Kotaku: Star Wars Outlaws Will Feature Tatooine Because We’ll Never Escape That Place https://kotaku.com/star-wars-outlaws-open-world-planets-ubisoft-tatooine-1850670892 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #benediktpodlesnigg #starwarsvideogames #fictionalcyborgs #obiwanskywalker #skywalkerfamily #anakinskywalker #lukeskywalker #humaninterest #obiwankenobi #darthvader #quigonjinn #moseisley #tatooine #starwars #ubisoft #hansolo #kayvess #jedi #wan
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #benediktpodlesnigg #starwarsvideogames #fictionalcyborgs #obiwanskywalker #skywalkerfamily #AnakinSkywalker #LukeSkywalker #humaninterest #ObiWanKenobi #darthvader #quigonjinn #moseisley #tatooine #starwars #ubisoft #HanSolo #kayvess #JEDI #wan
Some recent Star Wars figure.
#starwars #returnofthejedi #starwarsblackseries #hansolo #harrisonford #wicket #ewok #warwickdavis #bibfortuna #starwarsfigures #kenner
#kenner #starwarsfigures #bibfortuna #warwickdavis #ewok #Wicket #harrisonford #HanSolo #starwarsblackseries #returnofthejedi #StarWars
Who would win? Han Solo vs Indiana Jones
Thought this was a relevant matchup as its Harrison Ford's birthday 🎉✨🎶
#harrisonford #HanSolo #indianajones #StarWars
Here to watch #DeepRising - the #HanSolo movie we deserved, damnit!
#HanSolo #deeprising #mondayactionmovie
@swbooks @bookstodon THAT’S ANAKIN SOLO, FOLKS! “There’s something weird going on down here. I don’t know what Lando’s got us into, but I’ve got a— ‘Bad feeling about it?’ Anakin finished, managing a sheepish grin at stealing his father’s trademark line.”
R.A. Salvatore, Vector Prime (Star Wars: The New Jedi Order, 1)
#starwars #njo #swnjo #anakinsolo #HanSolo
On this day, in 2018, in theaters not so far, far away... ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ opened in theaters. I loved it and hope they eventually make a sequel. #starwars #solo #hansolo #chewbacca
#starwars #solo #HanSolo #chewbacca
@MirrorAyako @allstartrek Definitely check out the movie from #Firefly, #Serenity, if you want to see #NathanFillion play an inspired swashbuckling #HanSolo that absolutely shoots first, or #ChitewelEjiofor play a fantastic, calculating villain.👍
Really hoping Chitewel brings that to #MCU's #BaronMordo.
#baronmordo #mcu #chitewelejiofor #HanSolo #NathanFillion #serenity #firefly
To celebrate #MayThe4thBeWithYou I watched the #HanSolo movie. I had only seen it once in the theater 5 years ago. I enjoyed it then and liked it perhaps more now. It helps putting it in context with other new #StarWars content. All the actors were awesome and I’d like to see Han, Lando, Qira, etc again.
#maythe4thbewithyou #HanSolo #starwars
@fennek Well... #Data did the fighter pilot thing with the #EnterpriseD, flying it into the #Borg cube superstructure like #HanSolo flew the #MilleniumFalcon.
Did that justify him being left behind?🤷♂️
#StarTrekPicard #Picard #StarTrek
#startrek #picard #startrekpicard #milleniumfalcon #HanSolo #borg #enterprised #Data
@Gustodon Nah, the #StarWars sequels are fine if I drop expectations. My biggest problem with them is that after the first one they were structured such that there is almost no suspense with any of the new characters except for #KyloRen, and he's a mass murderer I never really liked.
But in hindsight it was kinda obvious they'd kill the original heroes #HanSolo, #Luke, and #LeiaOrgana the way the original 3 movies killed off the surviving heros of the prequels #ObiWanKenobi, #Yoda, #Anakin.
#anakin #yoda #obiwankenobi #leiaorgana #luke #HanSolo #kyloren #StarWars
ICAM! It’s Definitely Time To Give Up On Solo 2 Ever Happening Now - Screen Rant https://apple.news/AF_wBQ-RCSkq-ud5vC9X4Ow #StarWars #HanSolo #Solo2
Rewatching #EmpireStrikesBack tonight, and holy crap is that a brilliantly made movie. Most film series would break it up into two or even three separate films, but tight story telling and what must have been ruthless editing packs a ton of story into two hours. Of course great performances, a soundtrack to end all soundtracks, and the best special effects of its day don’t hurt either.
#EmpireStrikesBack #starwars #skywalker #HanSolo #DarthVader
Da ich gerade nichts aktuelles zeigen darf und grade so schön in meinen alten Star Wars Files wühle... hier eine sympathische Truppe von Kopfgeldjägern aus "Smuggler's Run - Im Auftrag der Rebellion", geschrieben von Greg Rucka, geskriptet von Alec Worley, von mir gezeichnet im Jahre 2017. ✌️😃
#starwars #hansolo #paninicomics #gregrucka #alecworley
#starwars #HanSolo #paninicomics #gregrucka #alecworley
Alden Ehrenreich talks the future of Han Solo: "That’s the guy that’s the most fun to be" - https://fantha.news/8rwi3 #StarWars #FanthaTracks @screenrant@twitter.com #aldenehrenreich #HANSOLO
#starwars #FanthaTracks #aldenehrenreich #HanSolo
When the drugs wear off and you realize you're not a space smuggler travelling across the universe with a Wookie.
#starwars #netzfund #HanSolo #chewbacca
Begib dich auf eine Rettungsmission nach Bespin, um zu verhindern, dass Han Solo in Karbonit eingefroren wird.
Klein, aber fein. Nur 231 Teile. Aber der Aufbau hat richtig Spaß gemacht.
#lego #75137 #legostarwars #HanSolo #BobaFett #Ugnaught
#ugnaught #bobafett #HanSolo #legostarwars #lego
Jonathan Kasdan talks Maul in Solo: A Star Wars Story: "It was something I had wanted" - https://fantha.news/01oc7 #StarWars #FanthaTracks @comicbook_movie@twitter.com @jonathankasdan@twitter.com #HANSOLO @willowofficial@twitter.com
#starwars #FanthaTracks #HanSolo