Pseudo-#Archäologie auf #Netflix, beschreibt eine angebliche #Apokalypse vor 12.800 Jahren. Die Doku-Serie von Graham #Hancock, stellt jede Menge Vermutungen an, bleibt aber Beweise schuldig. Er erinnert in seinem Stil an Erich von #Däniken. #AncientApocalypse
#archaologie #Netflix #apokalypse #Hancock #daniken #ancientapocalypse
The Covid tragedy? It was Matt Hancock’s tragedy too, you know - John Crace
#Hancock “I am profoundly sorry for the impact that it had, I’m profoundly sorry for each death that has occurred. And I also understand why, for some, it will be hard to take that apology from me. I understand that, I get it.”
The neo-apologist phrase “I get it”, should only permitted in cases where it refers to the recipient’s ‘getting’ a first class ticket to Hell.
May he rot there.
@mrcompletely Yeah, it's on the Red Bull Academy site of #Hancock's Mwandishi years.
Top Tory MPs ask for £10,000 a day to work for fake Korean company
#ledbydonkeys #kwarteng #Hancock #TorySleaze
@kityates The saying goes: "never write anything in an email that you wouldn't want read out in public."
Well looks like same goes for WhatsApp now.
What was he thinking handing all this stuff over?!
Rather than rekindle political career, he's probably made even more enemies now! #Hancock
#today curiosity lured me to the Bad Place to see what people were saying about the #Hancock WhatsApp leaks.
Spoiler: depending on your already established beliefs, they either prove that the #UKGovernment was incompetent to lock us down or incompetent not to act earlier.
Cold War Steve
#NHSCrisis #12YearsToryMisrule #Coffey #Hancock #Barclay #Sunak #GeneralElectionNow
#GeneralElectionNOW #Sunak #barclay #Hancock #coffey #12yearstorymisrule #nhscrisis
Worth a read by Human Rights barrister Adam Wagner
#deathminister #Hancock #covid
So...#Hancock "resigns". I think everybody else knew that before Matt. [Telegraph Friday 9/12/22]
Andy Davey
#Hancock #StandDownAsMP #Covid #RingAroundCareHomes
#ringaroundcarehomes #COVID #standdownasmp #Hancock
Matt #Hancock’s Pandemic Diaries are a delusional piece of self-aggrandising fan fiction.
In these retrospectively constructed “entries”, Hancock casts himself as the hero of both the #Covid crisis and his love life. It’s pathetic.
Martin Rowson
#Hancock #12YearsToryMisrule #FoodBanks #PPEScams #ToryGreed
#ToryGreed #ppescams #foodbanks #12yearstorymisrule #Hancock
Dave Brown
#PPEScams #PPEMedPro #ToryGreed #BaronessMone #Gove #Hancock
#Hancock #gove #baronessmone #ToryGreed #ppemedpro #ppescams
Living in France I’m not always up to speed on #UK news. Bewildered to learn that Matt #Hancock, the incompetent ex-Health Secretary, is both #MP and tv #celebrity! How does that work!!!
Just need a PR team to lobby for you
#ToryDemocide #deathminister #Hancock