The #MemorialDay Weekend & the End of #May is here, please take the time to check out videos, sermons and MORE on both my websites; Donations via #PayPal & #GiveSendGo (Buttons on both sites) Greatfully Appreciated to keep my work going & help me a #Disabled #Handicapped person!
Radio America USA:
#memorialday #may #paypal #GiveSendGo #disabled #Handicapped
Some of the #SocialMedia Platforms I am no longer on/planning to leave persecuted me like the Devils they are over me using #PayPal despite my explanations why & gave details still refusing to #donate, me being #disabled #handicapped they could care less, anyone wishing to help me out, any donations will go towards medical & nutritional needs, I am on #GiveSendGo now
#GiveSendGo #Handicapped #disabled #donate #paypal #socialmedia
This weekend please check out both my websites! #Donations (#PayPal or #GiveSendGo) will help costs as well as taking care of #medical needs (#disabled & #handicapped). Your support is greatly appreciated and on Radio America USA you can go to the left and purchase #organic #coffee and a few other products)
#coffee #organic #Handicapped #disabled #medical #GiveSendGo #paypal #donations
While I am working on Justice on PA Transportation Services too lazy to pick me up at 4:30 am - they too lazy to get up out of bed to do this, and some on various platforms bashing me for not driving myself & could care less I am #disabled, #handicapped and on #SSD, many of them would help me in this fight, I will have to cut my time back on serious posts that affect #America while I pursue justice, until further notice, go to my website and message board - when the dust clears on this issue, I plan to cut back on platforms for updates where I am at 24/7
#America #ssd #Handicapped #disabled
My Internet Radio Station Website, Radio America USA is back up, BUT it takes YOU, #WeThePeople to fund it, IT IS NOT A HOBBY! I REPEAT IT IS NOT A HOBBY but a #Ministry as well as #Activism, I am 62, #Disabled, #Handicapped this supplements my SMALL #SocialSecurity! YOU can donate 2 ways, #PayPal or #GiveSendGo!
#GiveSendGo #paypal #socialsecurity #Handicapped #disabled #Activism #ministry #wethepeople
to be fair with new followers and the newer platforms, I started this internet radio station in 2012 as Philly and Jersey #Radio then in 2015 I added the name Radio America USA, after 11.25 years, losing money, pleading for funds and since most #Americans could care less for #Disabled #Handicapped People, the proof is out there, my disabled body gave out, I put countless hours of posting real truthful #news articles as well as the best shows and videos. over 3/4 of America does not want #FreeSpeech, they want a #socialist nanny state!
#socialist #freespeech #news #Handicapped #disabled #americans #radio
Due to not getting donations except for 50 dollars in 2023, I am forced to start the cutbacks as these 2 websites are now closed & will not reopen them unless there is a slew of funds, and what angers me & prays for Judgement is that people would not donate through #PayPal in spite of explaining why and all that and even now I have #GoSendGo still nothing as well as my #affiliates, therefore, the cutbacks continue, the next phase will be I will leave groups! Many claiming to be Christians I cut all ties already! You have NO consideration for us #disabled & #handicapped people like me, all talk no action except telling me off! Real tough! 😡 😡 😡
Also I will be doing ONE MORE Show soon and that will be it! 😡 😡
#Handicapped #disabled #affiliates #GoSendGo #paypal
This weekend PLEASE consider doing: #SocialMedia
1. Do what you can to financially support these Alternative Platforms, Yorespot bit the dust due to not enough funding, Woddal & a few others went in 2022. Do NOT let Big Tech win!
2. Also Support my Websites Radio America USA & my main site and please if you like #Coffee & #Nutrition for your #heart consider purchasing from my affiliates on #RadioAmericaUSA – Like I said on my last show, March 31 I have to make that decision, will be based on how much support I get, I am almost 62, #disabled & #handicapped and you decide if I stay or go! I am NOT sponsored by #Pfizer, #Moderna nor the #MedicalIndustrialComplex
#MedicalIndustrialComplex #Moderna #Pfizer #Handicapped #disabled #RadioAmericaUSA #heart #nutrition #coffee #socialmedia
This weekend, (if you can please donate to my #websites as me, #disabled & #handicapped depend on #financial support to keep the websites running as I am on #SSD There is a #PayPal Button on both websites as I continue to obtain a #nonprofit #LLC which will open up for other venues!)
Radio America USA - #RadioAmericaUSA -
My Ministry & Bible Church Page -
Also consider supporting your #SocialMedia Platforms to keep them going.
Thanks to those who have supported #FreeSpeech
#freespeech #socialmedia #RadioAmericaUSA #LLC #nonprofit #paypal #ssd #financial #Handicapped #disabled #websites
🩸I know THEY #sterilized me
🩸I know THEY sterilize mentally #handicapped children
🩸Tell me “HOW OFTEN” do U SEE ????
🩸a #mentallyhandicapped #retarded #autistic #autism #spectrum FEMALE get #pregnant ?
🩸We KNOW WHY that IS
🩸I’m NOT mentally handicapped!
🩸I’m NOT autistic!
Out to class
🩸& did weird & terrible THINGS to me
🩸& sterilized ME !!!
🩸🏳️⚧️What does trans-ing a child do?
🩸🏳️⚧️what does trans #HORMONES do?
🩸🏳️⚧️what do you Trans #SURGERIES do?
🩸🏳️⚧️THEY ALL #sterilize the CHILD
🩸Trans is just the way to NORMALIZE #Eugenist #Depopulation #sterilization of #children
🩸so they can NO LONGER #reproduce
🩸they they they… INTENTIONALLY REMOVED ME from the Gene 🧬 Pool of HUMANITY
Sacrificed to the SAFE & Effective CULT
#LiberalWorldOrder #reproduce #children #sterilization #depopulation #Eugenist #sterilize #surgeries #hormones #pregnant #spectrum #autism #autistic #retarded #mentallyhandicapped #Handicapped #sterilized
I honestly believe THEY target #autistic & children on the #autism #spectrum & mentally #handicapped children
They would PULL ME OUT OF CLASS - BY NAME - for “Special Reading Assistance”
Let’s Just SAY… they NEVER “HELPED ME” with my READING
I can ONLY REMEMBER 1 time!
where they “PRETENDED” to HELP ME with my reading
🩸 & that was bc (for some STRANGE REASON) there was another LITTLE BOY in THE ROOM - with me
1 TIME!!! they “pretended” to TEACH ME to Read 📖
1 TIME!!!
the rest of the TIME they were doing Other Things… & such… & stuff
#Handicapped #spectrum #autism #autistic
My Eyes Darkened
The light vanished, and color turned into muted tones of gray.
#poetry #godwins #Handicapped #lifelessons #literature