I watched a video about writing in #Hangul, the #Korean writing system. During the video, I noticed that vowels and consonants would each just need 4 bits and then realised that tense/complex consonants and complex vowels could be identified with flags, same as syllables with two consonants.
So I started to play around in C++ to find a way to "compress" Hangul syllables using a final state machine. It seems it can be done.
The source code is on #Codeberg:
#Hangul #Korean #codeberg #software
I watched a video about writing in #Hangul, the #Korean writing system. During the video, I noticed that vowels and consonants would each just need 4 bits and then realised that tense/complex consonants and complex vowels could be identified with flags, same as syllables with two consonants.
So I started to play around in C++ to find a way to "compress" Hangul syllables using a final state machine. It seems it can be done.
The source code is on #Codeberg:
#Hangul #Korean #codeberg #software
Vielen Westlern ist es gar nicht so gewahr, dass Koreanisch - im Gegensatz zu CN oder JP - eine Alphabetsprache ist.
Der Sage nach hat ein Koenig das bis dato uebliche #Chinesisch als zu schwer empfunden. Insbesondere hinsichtlich der Lern-Dauer. Also hat man das #Hangul erfunden.
Letztens in Berlin hab ich einen aelteren Schrift"font" gefunden, der aehnlich wie das Hangul die Buchstaben anordnet. Nicht ganz so konsequent und ohne Logik. Das koennte man ja noch ausbauen - zum DEGul z.B.