The Tyee: Celebrate Live Theatre with The Cultch #bcnews #TheTyee - via #EastVanPanto:BeautyandtheBeast #HowBlackMothersSayILoveYouplay #YouUsedtoCallmeMarie... #StupidFuckingBirdplay #Gravity&OtherMyths #TeTangiāteTūīplay #CheyenneRouleau #HeatherRedfern #CirqueAlfonse #KamilaSediego #TaiAmyGrauman #EastVanPanto #HannahGadsby #AkiYaghoubi #TreyAnthony
#BCNews #TheTyee #eastvanpanto #howblackmotherssayiloveyouplay #youusedtocallmemarie #stupidfuckingbirdplay #gravity #tetangiatetuiplay #cheyennerouleau #heatherredfern #cirquealfonse #kamilasediego #taiamygrauman #HannahGadsby #akiyaghoubi #treyanthony
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Hannah Gadsby’s ‘Pablo-matic’ Is Not the Feminist Achievement It Wants to Be #Jezebel #mariethc3a9rc3a8sewalter #philippearlstein #mickalenethomas #ninachanelabney #marilynminter #hannahgadsby #lindanochlin #pablopicasso #joansemmel #ghadaamer #netflix #culture #nanette #muses #film #arts
#jezebel #mariethc3a9rc3a8sewalter #philippearlstein #mickalenethomas #ninachanelabney #marilynminter #HannahGadsby #lindanochlin #pablopicasso #joansemmel #ghadaamer #netflix #Culture #nanette #muses #Film #arts
Jude Doyle bringing some useful context for the hoo-ha about Hannah Gadsby and Picasso:
"I’m a casual Gadsby fan, at best, but I’m a full-time believer that queer and gender non-conforming people have the right to exist in public, and to tell the public things it doesn’t want to hear."
#art #picasso #HannahGadsby #judedoyle
I'm just so sooooo wildly happy for them. 💜
Pink News: Comedian Hannah Gadsby piled-on by trolls for calling Barry Humphries a ‘d**k biscuit’ in 2018 #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #barryhumphries #hannahgadsby #Celebrity #dameedna #Culture #Arts
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #barryhumphries #HannahGadsby #celebrity #dameedna #Culture #arts
Pink News: Lesbian Visibility Week: 29 incredible lesbians who are loud, proud and making the world a better place #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #lesbianvisibilityweek #billiejeanking #hannahgadsby #hayleykiyoko #sarahpaulson #Celebrity #Culture #Lesbian
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #lesbianvisibilityweek #billiejeanking #HannahGadsby #hayleykiyoko #sarahpaulson #celebrity #Culture
Pink News: Hannah Gadsby’s new Netflix special is about to bring the queer joy we need right now #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #hannahgadsby #Culture #netflix #comedy #TV
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #HannahGadsby #Culture #netflix #comedy #TV
@seanwithwords @seanwithwords'm with you there!
#TenStepsToNanette by #HannahGadsby is the number one 'Autism' book for me. I found the way that Hannah described her life to be so similar to experiences I have had, it really resonated.
And her shows are just as good! I saw #BodyOfWork in Melbourne and it was magnificent! I highly recommend all her work to the Autistic Community!
#TenStepsToNanette #HannahGadsby #bodyofwork #actuallyautistic
I feel quite spoiled for #autistic content and characters at the moment:
- I started watching #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo and I am LOVING it
- I found #ElleMcnicoll's brilliant #AKindOfSpark in the #library, and devoured it whole - the first #fiction #book
I've finished in years
- I (belatedly) read #HannahGadsby's article about her late-diagnosis #autism (whole sections of which I could apply to my own life with barely a word changed)
- I (very belatedly - only 10 years late) binge-watched #SomeGirls on #BBCIplayer and am already missing the characters - especially #ND Saz
Well done, world - keep it up!
#Autistic #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo #ElleMcNicoll #AKindOfSpark #library #fiction #book #HannahGadsby #autism #somegirls #bbciplayer #nd
@Jessica I know I go on about these all the time, but they're sooo good!
'Ten Steps to Nanette' by Hannah Gadsby.
'But You Don't Look Autistic At All' by Bianca Toeps
'A Kind of Spark' by Elle McNicoll
All are emotional reads that I believe would resonate with any Autistic reader.
If I had to choose one it would be Hannah Gadsby's book.
Her shows are also amazing. I felt so comfortable watching 'Body of Work' knowing Hannah is Autistic!
@lettongueswag I agree. It is the book I recommend to everyone who is Autistic. The way she describes how her (Autistic) mind works in such meticulous detail. I can't tell you how 'seen' I felt.
"Funny, Profound, Devastating"
One of those 'must reads' for the Autistic Community.
I was fortunate enough to see her show, #BodyofWork in Melbourne, the same feeling, I loved it.
#HannahGadsby #TenStepsToNanette #BodyOfWork @actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic #OneOfUs
#bodyofwork #HannahGadsby #TenStepsToNanette #actuallyautistic #oneofus
Today I rewatched #HannahGadsby's #Nanette and #Douglas. I really liked them on first watching - which was before I started to realise I am #autistic - but I got a LOT more out of them this time. I've experienced this enhanced enjoyment/understanding/appreciation with a few things now. I like to think of it as a little #neurodivergent bonus.
#HannahGadsby #nanette #douglas #Autistic #neurodivergent
@Prof_Meowmers My top 3 books by #ActuallyAutistic authors for those seeking clarity on whether they are #Autistic are:
1. Ten Steps to Nanette by #HannahGadsby
2. But You Don’t Look Autistic At All by #BiancaToeps
3. A Kind Of Spark by #ElleMcNicoll
My favourite is Hannah’s book, she goes into such minute detail about her Autistic experiences; everyone at the #Autistic BookClub loved it!
Also ‘A Kind Of Spark’ is brilliant, a condensed ‘What it feels like’ to be Autistic 🎯
#actuallyautistic #autistic #HannahGadsby #BiancaToeps #ElleMcNicoll
@Fullnihilism @bethan @actuallyautistic @bookstodon Yes, I did read it years ago tbh and I didn't relate at all, but that's just me... I find #AutisticAuthors such as #HannahGadsby #BiancaToeps and ElleMcNicoll to be much more relatable, I can see myself in their writing, I couldn't in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
#ActuallyAutistic #AutisticRepresentation
#AutisticAuthors #HannahGadsby #BiancaToeps #actuallyautistic #AutisticRepresentation
Reminds me of that classic #HannahGadsby quote:
"When somebody tells me to 'stop being so sensitive', you know what? I feel a little like a nose being lectured by a fart. I am not the problem."
Packar för onsdagens resa pga ska på Hannah Gadsby i morgon kväll. Peppen för det! 🤩 #hannahgadsby
Oli kuulemma ”hyvän mielen” souvvi, sano hän. Oli silti aika raju tällaselle herkälle. Oli se silti hauska vaikka ne eläinjutut otti koville. Tänään siis oli Kultsalla Gadsby. Pitänee se sen kirja lukee alkukielellä.
#HannahGadsby #kulttuuri
I was pretty awful at the things I thought of as my jobs. The coding, the architecture, the planning. I *thought* I should be good at them, because I Am Very Smart.
The dissonance between always *knowing* how all the pieces are supposed to fit together, versus being able to employ that knowledge to actual productive ends. Especially because I Am Very Smart.
I won’t thank $DEITY since they’re clearly either asleep or an asshole. I *will* thank #HannahGadsby and the #actuallyautistic gang.
#HannahGadsby #actuallyautistic
@Cmdrmoto @michaelmagras @actuallyautistic Me too, it has been the best #Autism book I’ve read so far.
I was very grateful for the detail #HannahGadsby went into about how she thinks, or I wouldn’t have known that I think the same! 🙌
#autism #HannahGadsby #TenStepsToNanette
5 books I'd recommend:
1. A Kind of Spark, #ElleMcNicoll - A book about difference & neurodivergence, brilliant!
2. Ten Steps to Nanette, #HannahGadsby - A searing autobiography of an #ActuallyAutistic woman.
3. But You Don't Look Autistic At All, #BiancaToeps The DSM criteria for #Autism from an #Autistic POV
4. A Man Called Ove, #FredrikBackman Emotional; #trauma & #neurodivergence.
5. Klara & The Sun, #KazuoIshiguro What does it mean to be human?
#ElleMcNicoll #HannahGadsby #actuallyautistic #BiancaToeps #autism #autistic #fredrikbackman #trauma #neurodivergence #KazuoIshiguro