I bet the main reason his cell has a clear frontage in s3 is because Alana got sick of the constant thinly veiled Schrödinger references and puns he made when it was a solid wall 🥁
#HannibalNBC #HannibalLecter #hannibal #fandom
I like to think that they didn't tell Mads exactly what it was going to be so that look is his genuine reaction to "Peter, is your social worker inside that horse?" #HannibalLecter #HannibalNBC
¿Cuando se trata de depredación si está permitido humanizar? No se Mije, huele a justificación del pesimismo antropológico
RT @MarineLifeProj@twitter.com
En ocasiones, la #naturaleza puede resultarnos cruel. Algunas criaturas infligen todo tipo de horribles tormentos a otras para alimentarse y reproducirse, o incluso simplemente para jugar. Pero hay algunas especies que superan incluso a #HannibalLecter. 👇👇👇
📸Ralph Pace
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarineLifeProj/status/1396520048597114881