#FtLoSF day one:
Johnny 5 is alive!
Poor ET has a 1000 years stare, poor guy!
#MadsMikkelsen and #GuyHenry are both wonderfully warm and VERY kind (This is now a Guy Henry fan account don't @ me, BBC cancelled the wrong hospital show, damnit!)
I watched Marvin Berry slow dance with an R2D2 robot and it was ADORABLE!
A dalek promised I'd be converted later because I did good on the voice changer.
And now I am going to sit back and smile as the #HannibalNBC fandom re/discovers #meatloaf.
#ftlosf #MadsMikkelsen #guyhenry #HannibalNBC #meatloaf
The national opera awards are on and streaming and Hannibal Lecter is definitely sat somewhere glued to an internet connected screen while Will sits reading a book next to him and looking up when a bit of a performance catches his attention.
#hannibal #opera #HannibalNBC #headcanon
Main Blorbos rn:
#Joker #SeverusSnape #KingCandy
Main Ships rn:
#Batjokes #Snumbledore
#Batman #BreakingBad #DannyPhantom #Daredevil #Dexter #Encanto #HannibalNBC #HarryPotter #JeevesAndWooster
#MerlinBBC #MiraculousLadybug #Pokémon #RickAndMorty #StarTrek #SwissArmyMan #TF2 #WarriorCats #WreckItRalph
Way too many #Musicals #Theatre #MusicalTheatre, such as #TheBookOfMormon #LesMisérables #LittleShopOfHorrors #PhantomOfTheOpera #TheProducers #RepoTheGeneticOpera
#joker #severussnape #kingcandy #batjokes #snumbledore #batman #breakingbad #dannyphantom #daredevil #dexter #encanto #HannibalNBC #harrypotter #jeevesandwooster #merlinbbc #miraculousladybug #pokemon #rickandmorty #StarTrek #swissarmyman #tf2 #warriorcats #wreckitralph #musicals #theatre #MusicalTheatre #thebookofmormon #lesmiserables #littleshopofhorrors #phantomoftheopera #theproducers #repothegeneticopera
A message I should send on my first day: #SaveHannibal #Hannibal #HannibalNBC
#savehannibal #hannibal #HannibalNBC
A message I should sent on my first day: #SaveHannibal #Hannibal #HannibalNBC
#savehannibal #hannibal #HannibalNBC
#Fannibals! If you want to keep an eye out for fics coming out of the first #Hannigram Tropefest, keep an eye on our AO3 collection here https://archiveofourown.org/collections/hannigramtropefest_2022/works #HannibalNBC
#Fannibals #hannigram #HannibalNBC
Also on the topic of #Hannibal basically being a cat with thumbs there's a point in the #HannibalNBC where Will Graham says of The Chesapeake Ripper: He's a sadist
Every time I mentally snort and think: yeah, so is a cat. It doesn't mean it's not cute
I bet the main reason his cell has a clear frontage in s3 is because Alana got sick of the constant thinly veiled Schrödinger references and puns he made when it was a solid wall 🥁
#HannibalNBC #HannibalLecter #hannibal #fandom
It is my personal headcanon that #Hannibal killed Professor Sogliato solely because he dared to suggest that He; a direct descendant of the Sforza's by his mother, who by his own admission became a man in Florence, who was surprised that Bedelia had lived in Florence for six months pretending to be the curators wife and didn't know who the Pazzi were, was not Italian enough to grasp the intricacies of Dante.
And honestly, he's so valid.
#hannibal #HannibalNBC #fannibal #headcanon #fandom #proship
I like to think that they didn't tell Mads exactly what it was going to be so that look is his genuine reaction to "Peter, is your social worker inside that horse?" #HannibalLecter #HannibalNBC