Endlich mal dazu gekommen den großartigen Hans Zimmer live zu sehen. Mit dabei war ein Orchester aus Odessa.
#hanszimmerlive #hanszimmer
Unglaublich gute #Arte/#BBC Doku über #HansZimmer’s Leben/Musik, die Gedanken hinter seinen Kompositionen und das Wesen moderner Scores. https://youtu.be/L02P2_vZlvE
And now we get to those who are entering that repertoire: the feature film composers; how are we going to find their music in the app?
OK, it was obvious that #JohnWilliams, #JamesHorner, #DannyElfman, and #HansZimmer would have great landing pages, but is that a representative situation?
#johnwilliams #jameshorner #dannyelfman #HansZimmer
I just realized now that we have *two* concerts in Dortmund tomorrow 😩
#HansZimmer #JohnWilliams
#thesoundofhanszimmerandjohnwilliams #HansZimmer #JohnWilliams
A new #FilmsTRIPS #podcast is out! This time, Andrew and I take a look at director #PrennyMarshall's 1996 romantic comedy #ThePreachersWife! https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/24panelspersecond/episodes/2023-03-15T08_27_49-07_00 #DenzelWashington #WhitneyHouston #CourtneyBVance #GregoryHines #JeniferLewis #HansZimmer #LionelRichie
#lionelrichie #HansZimmer #jeniferlewis #gregoryhines #courtneybvance #whitneyhouston #denzelwashington #thepreacherswife #prennymarshall #podcast #filmstrips
@koehnlein Dacht ich mir schon. Stuttgart ist ja noch bissle hin. #hansZimmer
Mit #CornfieldCase aus #interstellar von #HansZimmer im Ohr nach Hause fahren zu können ist klasse 👍
#cornfieldcase #interstellar #HansZimmer
Hans Zimmer LIVE: è uscito il nuovo disco dal vivo del compositore tedesco https://www.radiocittafujiko.it/hans-zimmer-live-e-uscito-il-nuovo-disco-dal-vivo-del-compositore-tedesco/ #UnipolArena #HansZimmer #MUSICA #NEWS #live
#UnipolArena #HansZimmer #musica #news #live
Endlich den Klang im heimischen Artbeitszimmer verbessert Dank #teufel. Da macht #HansZimmer noch mehr Laune 🎵🎵🎵
Desde luego que #LaRoca es una de esas películas en las que pestañeas y te pierdes la mitad de la historia. La definición de adrenalina va ligada al nombre de #MichaelBay y éste es el ejemplo perfecto: es todo acción, con un gran elenco carismático y un montaje espídico. Su notable banda sonora, compuesta por #HansZimmer y #NickGlennieSmit, ya es parte de la historia musical del cine.
#cinema #cineoscar #cineaccion #cinemastodon #nickglenniesmit #HansZimmer #michaelbay #LaRoca
#VariousArtists - '#DoctorInDistress' (1985) #Single
A pop song related to the #BBCTelevision programme Doctor Who. It was released within two weeks of the announcement of Doctor Who's "cancellation" on 25 February 1985.
#HansZimmer #BBCTV #bbc #who #drwho #doctorwho #BBCTelevision #single #doctorindistress #variousartists
Anyone else use #HansZimmer soundtracks for super intense productivity music? My favourites: Interstellar soundtrack (https://music.apple.com/album/interstellar-original-motion-picture-soundtrack-expanded/1533983552),
Dunkirk soundtrack (https://music.apple.com/album/dunkirk-original-motion-picture-soundtrack/1454450333),
Dune soundtrack (https://music.apple.com/album/dune-original-motion-picture-soundtrack/1583651332).
Also related and amazing... Hans Zimmer breaking down Dune on Song Exploder. (https://podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/song-exploder/id788236947?i=1000542246322)
Da ist man einmal in Elternzeit und die Mit-Podcaster veröffentlichen eine geniale Folge in der ein Filmkomponist live am Keyboard demonstriert wie Soundtracks entstehen. Absolute Hörempfehlung! 😍
#podcast #podcastdeutsch #filmmusik #HansZimmer #johnwilliams
#podcast #podcastdeutsch #filmmusik #HansZimmer #johnwilliams
Music amplifies the emotions… Grab your headphones and listen
Hans Zimmer - Inception: Time - Orchestra Version
#HansZimmer #Inception #Time #ChristopherNolan #Film #FilmMusic
#HansZimmer #inception #time #christophernolan #Film #filmmusic
'#InterstellarMainTheme' - by #HansZimmer - #Kalimba #Cover
#Interstellar #Theme #ThemeTune #ThemeMusic #MovieScore #MovieScores #MovieMusic #Music #KalimbaCover #KalimbaCovers
#kalimbacovers #kalimbacover #music #MovieMusic #MovieScores #moviescore #ThemeMusic #ThemeTune #theme #interstellar #cover #kalimba #HansZimmer #interstellarmaintheme
🍿Dans la téloche🍿
"Batman V Superman: Ultimate Edition - version 2021" réalisé par #ZackSnyder.
Avec #BenAffleck, #HenryCavill,
#AmyAdams, #GalGadot,
#JesseEisenberg, #DianeLane,
#JasonMomoa, #JeremyIrons
& #TaoOkamoto.
🎶Musique de #HansZimmer &
#zacksnyder #benaffleck #henrycavill #amyadams #galgadot #JesseEisenberg #dianelane #laurencefishburne #jasonmomoa #jeremyirons #taookamoto #HansZimmer #junkiexl
Hoe mooi is die #soundtrack van The Thin Red Line van #HansZimmer?
Alweer weken op repeat op #Spotify hier.
#soundtrack #HansZimmer #spotify
Hans Zimmer – La rivoluzione cinematica: il libro dedicato al compositore tedesco #20Settembre #CinemaeSerieTV #Letteraturaefumetti #Libri #HansZimmer #HansZimmer–Larivoluzionecinematica #libro #saggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9vcmdvZ2xpb25lcmQuaXQvaGFucy16aW1tZXItbGEtcml2b2x1emlvbmUtY2luZW1hdGljYS1saWJyby8=.html
#saggio #libro #HansZimmer #libri #Letteraturaefumetti #CinemaeSerieTV #20settembre
Il discorso finale di Charlie Chaplin da "Il grande dittatore".....
#charliechaplin #thegreatdictator #speech #hanszimmer #music #1940
#music #HansZimmer #speech #thegreatdictator #charliechaplin