Thanks for mentioning #Imperialism . #EasternEurope's situation now is reminding of #HannahArendt on the topic in #OriginsOfTotalitarianism. I'm searching for her lines about #StatelessPeople and the problem that Europe's nation-state system can't guarantee #HumanRights ( #arendt writes #RightsOfMan but we know what she really meant, thanks to #HansaMehta and #eleanorroosevelt .
#eleanorroosevelt #HansaMehta #RightsOfMan #arendt #humanrights #StatelessPeople #OriginsOfTotalitarianism #hannaharendt #easterneurope #imperialism
"... it’s Hansa Mehta who makes some very stirring contributions to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She says, “Excuse me, Mrs. Roosevelt. I must tell you, if you say all men are created with certain inalienable rights around the world, it will be limited to all men.” And so we get all human beings are endowed by the creator. And that is how it reads."https://www.democracynow.org/2020/1/1/eleanor_roosevelt
#UnitedNations #HansaMehta #EleanorRoosevelt #Human no just #man
#man #human #eleanorroosevelt #HansaMehta #unitednations
"All of Eleanor Roosevelt’s friends are lesbians — Esther Lape and Elizabeth Read, Nancy Cook and Marion Dickerman. And then comes Hick. But Eleanor Roosevelt, I think of her as a serial romantic. There’s Earl Miller, and all of Earl Miller’s papers have disappeared."
#EleanorRoosevelt #lesbians #healthcare #singlepayer #socialsecurity #newdeal #HumanRights #WorldCourt #democracynow #HansaMehta
#HansaMehta #democracynow #WorldCourt #humanrights #newdeal #socialsecurity #singlepayer #healthcare #lesbians #eleanorroosevelt