RT @Fiona_m_Byrne
Anyone spotted the witchstone on display in the Ulster Folk Museum?
This witchstone was found in the byre and was believed to protect the cattle from any witchcraft or supernatural activity.
#HappyHalloween2021 #irishhalloween #irishfolklore #samhain #ulsterfolkmuseum
witches, who were especially active on #Beltane.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @Fiona_m_Byrne
Anyone spotted the witchstone on display in the Ulster Folk Museum?
This witchstone was found in the byre and was believed to protect the cattle from any witchcraft or supernatural activity.
#beltane #celtic #mythology #folklore #HappyHalloween2021 #irishhalloween #irishfolklore #samhain #ulsterfolkmuseum
RT @Calvinn_Hobbes
Now that’s a scary costume 🤣🤣 #CalvinandHobbes #HappyHalloween2021
#calvinandhobbes #HappyHalloween2021
Nothing scares the daylights out of our rulers like the specter of anarchy—the abolition of all the means by which they hold power.
A history of October 31 as a day of rebellion:
An introduction to anarchism:
RT @kosumoHKV: 港台時間還沒過!!!(
Trick or Treat~~~~~~
#Vtuber #HKVTuber https://t.co/TyWt2RZK1v
#HKVTuber #vtuber #HappyHalloween2021
RT @Subxnotdead@twitter.com
#Misfits 🧐👇🏼 https://youtu.be/rVaxh8L0loo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Subxnotdead/status/1454853851715186689
Bona castanyada! #bonacastanyada #HappyHalloween2021 #HappyHalloweenDay
#HappyHalloweenDay #HappyHalloween2021 #bonacastanyada
Halfway there. 🎃 #MrPumpkinhead #HappyHalloween2021
#MrPumpkinhead #HappyHalloween2021
"Yeah but its much more fun...pretending to be dead!" 🤣🤣🤣
RT @shinyvideos@twitter.com
Yep its @KQuinzell@twitter.com how to take perfect Halloween dead selfie 🤣
#swimsuit #shiny #spandex #ilovespandex #womeninswimsuits #shinyvideos #HappyHalloween2021
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/shinyvideos/status/1454858527227400193
#HappyHalloween2021 #shinyvideos #womeninswimsuits #ilovespandex #spandex #shiny #swimsuit
Wir #PIRATEN wünschen Happy #Halloween. #StaySafe #halloween2021 #HappyHalloween2021
#HappyHalloween2021 #piraten #halloween #staysafe #Halloween2021
RT @nana__seven_@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/nana__seven_/status/1454749959396331526
#HappyHalloween2021 #ハロウィンイラスト展示会2021 #長門有希
Happy Halloween lovely people! 🎃 Have a great day, however you spend it! 🧡
Pics by @shinyvideos@twitter.com
#halloweencutie #halloween #swimwear #onepiece #womeninswimsuits #altbabes #shiny #swimsuit #spandex
RT @shinyvideos@twitter.com
Just a couple of pics, showing the amazing @KQuinzell@twitter.com seems the right day 🎃🎃
#swimsuit #shiny #spandex #ilovespandex #womeninswimsuits #shinyvideos #HappyHalloween2021
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/shinyvideos/status/1454752766816051201
#HappyHalloween2021 #shinyvideos #ilovespandex #spandex #swimsuit #shiny #altbabes #womeninswimsuits #onepiece #swimwear #halloween #halloweencutie
『#ただいま収蔵品整理中!学芸員さんの細かすぎる日常』内の「異聞」シリーズに登場する御影さんの #ハロウィン #イラスト。
作中、不可思議な出来事に多く遭遇する #学芸員 です。
#halloween2021 #河出書房新社 #漫画 #資料館 #博物館 #学芸員 #イラスト #ハロウィン #ただいま収蔵品整理中 #HappyHalloween2021
星巴克愣在那幹嘛 給錢啊
RT @yua_mikami@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/yua_mikami/status/1454608176733585412
Danny Phantom - Hades Halloween
Happy Halloween everyone! ... I'm posting this earlier than usual to capture as much attention as possible.
also, I'm testing something with this drawing. I wanna see if it will get more attention for having mildly lewd Ideas.
Danny is cosplaying as Hades from Greek Mythology. and he's " Grabbing them by the P*** "
if you wanna contact me, go here for details : https://www.subscribestar.com/posts/364502
#DannyPhantom #DannyFenton #SamManson #HappyHalloween2021 #happyhalloween
#dannyphantom #dannyfenton #sammanson #HappyHalloween2021 #happyhalloween