Me: Hey honey, move a little closer.
Wife: To WHAT?!
(Okay she was distracted at the time. And we're still laughing about it.)
Today's job: install my new heat pump water heater.
I'm replacing a 15 year old gas water heater. I am excited about the switch to more efficiency and to cleaner energy (my electricity comes from wind). I'm not excited about the timing. It's never good when your wife steps out of the shower and says, "There's no hot water."
Want to know what makes superious motivation? The first hot shower in days!
#heatpump #HappyWifeHappyLife #hotshower
I'm sure someone has already thought of this, but ...
#petition to change #HappyWifeHappyLife to #HappySpouseHappyHouse
Unless someone has something more #inclusive yet #witty ?
#petition #HappyWifeHappyLife #happyspousehappyhouse #inclusive #witty
🔥🌶 Gestern haben wir das erste mal #ChiliPoppers gegrillt...
Die #Chili|s #OrangeJalapeno waren für mich zu mild, hatten eigentlich gar keine #Schärfe... aber meiner besseren Hälfte haben sie geschmeckt... was ja wohl da wichtigste ist...
Ihr wisst ja... #HappyWifeHappyLife 😁
#Neimigrillt #BBQClub #Grilljunkies
#BBQ #Grillen #SousVide #Smoken
#ElFuego #Grandhall #Weber #Napoleon #Flammkraft
#ChiliPoppers #Chili #OrangeJalapeno #Schärfe #HappyWifeHappyLife #Neimigrillt #BBQClub #Grilljunkies #BBQ #Grillen #SousVide #Smoken #ElFuego #Grandhall #Weber #Napoleon #Flammkraft