Have you checked it out? If not, here's the link for a great party! #HarlemUnbound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9NoyzPcpNo
Hey hepcats! I'm working the day job but feeling jazzed listening/watching #QueensCourtGames delve into #HarlemUnbound with my scenario, #HarlemHellFightersNeverDie!!!! The first episode was a blast, and now we get a second helping!!!
#queenscourtgames #HarlemUnbound #harlemhellfightersneverdie
As a small indie publisher that struggled to bring this game into existence, it’s fantastic watching folks run #HarlemUnbound and getting to see this my passion project brought to life with an incredible cast. Thank you @QueensCourtRPG https://m.twitch.tv/queenscourtgames
This morning was #CyberpunkRed and tonight is #HarlemUnbound! I've got a three-finger pour of bourbon and this HU form-filled auto-calculating character sheet for #CallofCthulhu a fan-made. I'm eternally grateful for making the historical folks I've been asked for in the past.
#CyberpunkRED #HarlemUnbound #callofcthulhu
Hepcats, I found #HarlemUnbound 1E proofs while cleaning. This takes me back; I remember the endless work hours on the book and being elated when these arrived—then trying to figure out what to do with them for a few minutes. Or how much Harlem Unbound would actually be received.
#HarlemUnbound And so, William joined Ambrose, the artist PC who almost ended the world, in Paris. William's old sergeant, the engineer PC Amos, went to Vienna to see a very good alienist. So did the husband of Alexandrine, our final PC and psychic, but he eventually recovered, and the two moved to the Alps and opened a lodge. If we were to do a sequel, the GM said, it would likely start with Alexandrine realizing the Very Dangerous Item she's guarding is... gone!
Freebies, Sales, and Charity Bundles for July 9, 2023 - Big #DnD sales plus freebies and deals for #OSR, #AGE, #2d20, #HauntedWest, #HarlemUnbound, plus charity fundraisers for #Pathfinder, #Starfinder, #TheDarkEye, #Warhammer40K and a lot more #TTRPG deals! https://www.enworld.org/threads/freebies-sales-and-charity-bundles-for-july-9-2023.698667/
#DnD #osr #age #2D20 #HauntedWest #HarlemUnbound #pathfinder #starfinder #TheDarkEye #warhammer40k #ttrpg
Want to ask me about my next project? Or how #HarlemUnbound went from a word doc to a book? Come find me the Darker Hue Discord!
13 Lastly, #WhispersOfHarlem ends the campaign as the survivors’ brief brush with the Baron in Blues will never allow them to experience the world the same way again. 15/15 #HarlemUnbound
#whispersofharlem #HarlemUnbound
11 After their world tour, they are “requested” to work for the wealthy Madam Queenie (Stephanie St. Clair) whose accountant has been up to dubious work practices. She needs proof. But something far more sinister awaits them in 13/15 #TheQueensGotYourNumber. #HarlemUnbound
#thequeensgotyournumber #HarlemUnbound
10 The investigators, if not already aware of Harlem’s art scene, learn of it in #DreamsAndBrokenWings. They explore obsession, passion, power, and the cost of dreaming. 12/15 #HarlemUnbound
#dreamsandbrokenwings #HarlemUnbound
5 Once home and recovered, Jack Johnson calls in a favor from them to look into the death of a boxer friend. If not, no telling how many other hard-working Joes will die next in the ring. 7/15 #TheContenderALoveStory #HarlemUnbound
#thecontenderalovestory #HarlemUnbound
1 Kick off with #HarlemHellfightersNeverDie. It’s a tribute to the brave soldiers who fought for this country, and transforms the Harlemettes into investigators against the Mythos. It unravels in layers to slowly and then dramatically show them the wider universe. 3/15 #HarlemUnbound
#harlemhellfightersneverdie #HarlemUnbound
Hep Cats! Ye asked and ye shall receive. Here’s a potential expanded #CallofCthulhu campaign using both #HarlemUnbound (HU) scenarios and
scenarios. I Keepered this same campaign while playtesting 1st Ed. Use HU to adjust the other scenarios as needed. 2/14 #TTRPG
#callofcthulhu #HarlemUnbound #ttrpg
You can catch it here if you missed it! #HarlemUnbound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKHHUxuqbHw
It's hard to believe a year ago, this fantastic cast brought #HarlemUnbound to life in #WhispersofHarlem, my tribute to cousin Zora. It features the Dark Tower, dozens of famous Harlemetes, and a bit of timey-wimey #Mythos horror. #callofcthulhu
#HarlemUnbound #whispersofharlem #mythos #callofcthulhu
It's time to put my #gamedev homburg back on. I've got several scenarios (mine and others) and thousands of words amazing supplemental material to get out. #HarlemUnbound #HauntedWest #REDACTED
#gamedev #HarlemUnbound #HauntedWest #redacted
Vaesen in Harlem - Jazz Craze #3 Finale (actual play) https://youtu.be/1-R_pRtC200 via @YouTube is live right now! Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to this #HarlemUnbound scenario!
Ok. This one is not an actual play, but it's a deep dive into the second scenario I wrote for #HarlemUnbound, and I love it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J83Qr-Qqr-Y
I'm updating the Darker Hue website over the next few months and adding an #actualplay page. If anyone knows of groups that have productions of #HarlemUnbound or #HauntedWest, please comment below. I'll also be adding them as I find them. Thanks!
#actualplay #HarlemUnbound #HauntedWest