RT @FriendsofOcean: On #WorldFisheriesDay, a call to @WTO members to formally communicate acceptance of the deal to end #HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies for entry into force: for the sake of the #ocean, fish, fishers & sustainable #fisheries. πππ https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/rulesneg_e/fish_e/agreement_fisheries_subsidies_e.htm #BlueThread #OceanAction #SDG14+
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1594642957134876672
#WorldFisheriesDay #HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies #Ocean #fisheries #BlueThread #OceanAction #SDG14
RT @FriendsofOcean: Entry-into-force of the @WTO deal to end #HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies requires 2/3 of Members to deposit instruments of acceptance with the WTO. We strongly urge Members to move ahead ASAP: for the sake of the #ocean, fish, fishers & sustainable fisheries. ππ #OceanAction #SDG14+
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1565811592608075778
#HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies #Ocean #OceanAction #SDG14
RT @FriendsofOcean: Members of @WTO are expected to agree a deal to end #HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies on 12-15 June at #MC12, after 21 years of negotiations. Read Friends of Ocean Action statement on why doing so is a win-win-win ππ https://www.weforum.org/friends-of-ocean-action/all-eyes-on-mc12-ending-harmful-fisheries-subsidies-is-critical-for-fisheries-fishers-and-fish-and-for-the-wto #StopFundingOverfishing #OceanAction #SDG14+
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1535258809358241792
#HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies #MC12 #StopFundingOverfishing #OceanAction #SDG14
RT @FriendsofOcean: This is @WTO "Fish Decision Week". Read the UNSG's Special #Ocean Envoy & our founding Co-Chair, Ambassador Peter Thomson, on where talks to end #HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies are at & why the time to #StopFundingOverfishing is now πππ https://www.weforum.org/friends-of-ocean-action/end-of-the-line-for-wto-negotiations-to-stop-funding-overfishing #OceanAction #SDG14+
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1531716858327486464
#Ocean #HarmfulFisheriesSubsidies #StopFundingOverfishing #OceanAction #SDG14