I do love the #CurtisArmstrong episodes of #Harmontown, especially when he talks about #BetterOffDead ("the K12 dude, the K12") and when he is reunited with #BobcatGoldthwait.
#curtisarmstrong #Harmontown #betteroffdead #bobcatgoldthwait
There is an episode of #Harmontown where #CurtisArmstrong is guest-comptroller. #DanHarmon is getting divorced, #ColinHanks talks about his documentary, Dan gets his neighbours to talk about their tree-drama, there is rap-battle and then a very confused but willing Hanks plays #ShadowRun.
Episode title:
Confirmed By A Well Respected Arborist
#Harmontown #curtisarmstrong #DanHarmon #colinhanks #shadowrun
> We're all dirt and we're human and we're sexual and we're assholes.
> #PagetBrewster (on #Harmontown)
My favorite podcast is likely #Harmontown (#DanHarmon, creator of #Community and #RickAndMorty). One of the reasons I love it is because it starts with the hosts being typical Gen-X guys who spend 360 episodes growing.
This does mean that many of episodes include them being obnoxious which can be off-putting.
Some #podcasts don’t get good until after X-number of episodes but Harmontown almost forms a structured story so the payoff is weak if you don't follow it from the start.
#podcasts #rickandmorty #community #DanHarmon #Harmontown
I decided to start re-listening to the #Harmontown #podcast. It is so weird.
Spencer (@thesixler) has arrived and for the first few episodes he is clearly trying to find his voice, literally. He starts by doing a kind of radio/podcast voice but gradually gets more comfortable being himself.
There are people who show up for a single episode while others are around for dozens. Somebody even listed "Pink-Hair" on IMDb and I think to myself, what happened to her?
#DanHarmon #podcast #Harmontown