Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Celine Dion's Sister Gives Health Update: 'There's Little We Can Do to...Alleviate Her Pain' #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #frenchquebecers #britneyspears #humaninterest #michaeljordan #claudettedion #scooterbraun #arianagrande #oprahwinfrey #celinedion #rubyfranke #samasghari #harperlee #katyperry #celine #dwayne #spears #linda
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #frenchquebecers #britneyspears #humaninterest #michaeljordan #claudettedion #scooterbraun #ArianaGrande #oprahwinfrey #celinedion #rubyfranke #samasghari #HarperLee #KatyPerry #celine #dwayne #spears #linda
Un classico che non avevo ancora letto e che mi sta incantando: Il buio oltre la siepe di Harper Lee. Una di quelle letture che ti fanno rivalutare tanti libri letti di recente, ben scritti e interessanti… però poi ci sono i capolavori.
#HarperLee #tokillamockingbird #ilbuiooltrelasiepe #libri #books
#HarperLee #tokillamockingbird #ilbuiooltrelasiepe #libri #books
Today in Writing History July 11, 1960: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee was first published in the United States. This is one of my favorite books and it has been an inspiration for my own writing, particularly since it is written in a close 3rd person by a youth, Scout Finch, as is my first book, “Anywhere But Schuylkill.”
#writing #fiction #HarperLee #ToKillAMockingbird #racism #author #writer #novel @bookstadon
#writing #fiction #HarperLee #tokillamockingbird #racism #author #writer #novel
Latest VLOG. Simon Says: Tiger Lillies & Zygons
#garden #conservation #mockingbird #tigerlillies
#actors #writer #Camus #harperlee #georgeorwell
#agathachristie #shakespeare #arthurcclarke #IsaacAsimov
#hgwells #philipkdick #JaneCampion #georgewashington
#dislexia #booksbooksbooks
#garden #Conservation #mockingbird #tigerlillies #actors #writer #Camus #HarperLee #GeorgeOrwell #agathachristie #shakespeare #ArthurCClarke #isaacasimov #hgwells #philipkdick #janecampion #georgewashington #dislexia #booksbooksbooks
#Datreveno #HarperLee #Literaturo
Je ĉi dato en 1926 naskiĝis Harper Lee, aŭtoro, kiu verkis multajn mallongajn artiklojn, sed kies unu vera romano "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Mortigi Mokbirdo) faris ŝin fama, priskribinte la profundan emociojn kaj malracian konduton inter la suda usona popolo rilate al raso.
#datreveno #HarperLee #literaturo
I think there's just one kind of folks: folks❣ ~ Harper Lee: 'To Kill a Mockingbird'
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #tea #organictea #books #HarperLee #witchcraft #witch #forestwitch #vegan #animism #harmnone #peace
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #tea #organictea #books #HarperLee #witchcraft #witch #forestwitch #vegan #animism #harmnone #peace
@stevebowler #7Books #booksofmastodon
1. Crime and Punishment. #Dostoevsky
2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. #KenKesey
3. Germinal. #EmileZola
4. The Throwback. #TomSharpe
5. Johnathan Livingstone Seagull. #RichardBach
6. Animal Farm. #GeorgeOrwell
7. To Kill A Mocking Bird. #HarperLee
#7Books #booksofmastodon #dostoevsky #kenkesey #EmileZola #tomsharpe #RichardBach #GeorgeOrwell #HarperLee
Altijd leuk, boekenlijstjes, #7books
Hier 7 van de (veel meer) boeken waar ik in verschillende fases van mijn leven door geraakt ben. In willekeurige volgorde:
The shadow of the wind van #CarlosRuizZafón
To kill a mockingbird van #HarperLee
Matilda van #RoaldDahl
Godverdomse dagen op een godverdomse bol van #DimitriVerhulst
De Vriendschap van#ConniePalmen
Ham on Rye van #CharlesBukowski
De avond is ongemak van #MarieleLucasRijneveld
#keuzeskeuzes #marielelucasrijneveld #charlesbukowski #dimitriverhulst #RoaldDahl #HarperLee #CarlosRuizzafon #7books
#UsedBookStores #GuitarShops #TaylorGuitars #FenderGuitars #GibsonGuitars
#FolkMusic, #Broadway #AmericanPopularStandards #Jazz #BluesMusic #RockMusic #PopMusic
#NanciGriffith aficionado
#RosemaryClooney was as cool as her nephew.
#Editor #ProjectManager #Writer #Songwriter #Entreprenuer #Musician
#EudoraWelty #NoraEphron #JoanDidion #MaryOliver #HarperLee
#Curious about everything
#History #Design #Technology #Science #curious #classicmovies #VinylRecords #HarperLee #maryoliver #JoanDidion #noraephron #eudorawelty #Germanshepherds #musician #entreprenuer #songwriter #writer #projectmanager #editor #rosemaryclooney #nancigriffith #popmusic #rockmusic #bluesmusic #Jazz #americanpopularstandards #broadway #folkmusic #gibsonguitars #fenderguitars #taylorguitars #guitarshops #usedbookstores #Introduction