#HarrietHall: Lecture 2: What is #CAM?
"#CAM stands for #complementary and #alternative #medicine."
"We once defined #CAM as things that aren't thaught in medical #schools, today we can define it as medicine that is so #unproven, #untested, or #implausible that it hasn't earned a place in conventional medicine."
#implausible #untested #unproven #schools #medicine #alternative #complementary #cam #HarrietHall
#HarrietHall: Lecture 1: #Science Based #Medicine vs. #Evidence Based #Medicine
"All too often different randomized control trials got conflicting results, to break the tie we can do a systematic review or a meta-analysis to combine informations from several trials to reach a more accurate conclusion. They're the highest level of evidence but they can only be as good as the individual studies, sometimes they got false conclusions because of #GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out)"
#gigo #evidence #medicine #science #HarrietHall