Julien M. · @julm
485 followers · 4935 posts · Server framapiaf.org

: Lecture 2: What is ?
" stands for and ."
"We once defined as things that aren't thaught in medical , today we can define it as medicine that is so , , or that it hasn't earned a place in conventional medicine."

#implausible #untested #unproven #schools #medicine #alternative #complementary #cam #HarrietHall

Last updated 4 years ago

Julien M. · @julm
485 followers · 4935 posts · Server framapiaf.org

: Lecture 1: Based vs. Based
"All too often different randomized control trials got conflicting results, to break the tie we can do a systematic review or a meta-analysis to combine informations from several trials to reach a more accurate conclusion. They're the highest level of evidence but they can only be as good as the individual studies, sometimes they got false conclusions because of (Garbage In Garbage Out)"

#gigo #evidence #medicine #science #HarrietHall

Last updated 4 years ago