> If you're a #HashiCorpNomad user, or even just interested, and you're nervous about how today's BUSL announcement impacts your use case
For people like me wondering what BUSL or BSL is: https://www.hashicorp.com/license-faq
If you're a #HashiCorpNomad user, or even just interested, and you're nervous about how today's BUSL announcement impacts your use case: please feel free to reach out to me directly: DMs here, HashiCorp Discord, or my nick at hashicorp email.
I can't promise anything, but I'd love to make sure your concerns are at least heard and any questions you have answered.
@geerlingguy has a great article on backups: https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2021/my-backup-plan
My archive is essentially a rsync clone of the primary NAS, making it a hot backup. From there I make sure I push stuff up to Google's cold storage (in encrypted and compressed form) weekly. In a catastrophic event, might loose a weeks worth of data.
There's no distributed filesystem within #HashiCorpNomad (not like Ceph in Kubernetes), instead I use the NAS to maintain state in the services, and it works well.
Now I have a 10 node, ARM based #HashiCorpNomad cluster, a 48 port switch, NAS, archive for the NAS, and an offline backup for the NAS,
The cluster runs stuff that my entire family finds useful daily (even if they don't know about it), and in it's clustery way, makes sure stuff keeps running.
And I spent today installing a new (to me) UPS into my home lab, which caused an attempt at better "cable" management (I failed).
This was a good #nerd sunday. Thanks @geerlingguy & @technotim
Oh hey Nomad has a Discord channel! Or rather all of #HashiCorp does!
It's "unofficial" unlike Discuss and Github Issues, but come say hi if you're a Nomad user or just interested! 👋
Nomad community office hours live stream is on right now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWSbrEEKyIw
Planning on a UPS for my #homelab after the "blurp" event (https://noc.social/@suquamish/110778693148530766).
Primary NAS (refurb Intel server): 400W peak
Secondary NAS (another refurb): 300W peak
Entire 10 node nomad cluster on various ARM SBCs: <100W peak
I know that's a shallow view, but it's still striking to me given that the #HashiCorpNomad cluster is a daily driver for me: hosting everything from #PiHole (of course) to #PhotoPrism to #Postgresql to #Prometheus
(whew! 😅 managed the alliteration)
#prometheus #postgresql #Photoprism #pihole #HashiCorpNomad #homelab
The one #HashiCorpNomad server couldn't cope with the sudden load it seems, and it displayed a number of odd symptoms that make me thing a single (anemic) server orchestrate a #cluster restarting.
This gave me an opportunity to power down everything again, do a little maintenance, but most importantly (as I found out), clean all the exposed heatsinks that have been suffering from the particulates in the air from the #canadian #forestfires
#forestfires #canadian #cluster #HashiCorpNomad
So many good ideas lost. There are still so many features from Docker Swarm, Mesos, Fleet, and others that I’d love to incorporate in Nomad.
Lots of good stuff and inspiration in k8s as well, but I am still excited to provide the world with an alternative! I think we’d all be better off if more alternatives had survived (or had a path to be created and thrive).
I would be very interested what others think of this blogpost.
I am obviously biased toward Nomad so I am asking for others opinions. I still believe that Nomad is the tool you needed when you went with K8s
So this video made me want to try #wazuh on #HashiCorpNomad
So far kinda vexing.
Neither @networkchuck/@networkchuck@bird.makeup/@networkchuck@birdsite.lakedrops.com nor Wazah have maintained #mastodon presence.
Configuration is spread all over, and if you want it to be persistent, it's a PITA to get going. Just the manager alone has me registering 5 volumes.
Has anyone got Wazah going on Nomad in more minimalist manner?
#mastodon #HashiCorpNomad #wazuh
@frank @glyph @offby1 because we're all friends here I want to see if I can do #HashiCorpNomad's concepts in a toot:
Agent - daemon running in Client and/or Server mode, includes the HTTP API & UI.
Server - Scheduler bits
Client aka Node - agents that actually receive and run jobs
Jobs - workload definition split into Groups
Groups - ...of Tasks that must be colocated together on a Node
Tasks - individual processes, containers, VMs
Allocation - an instance of a Group assigned to a Node
Hey Nomad users! A Designer on the #HashiCorp Nomad Team is interested in your feedback:
We'd love you hear your feedback! 📝
If you're a Nomad user that's a lot of words for "you need the `ipc_lock` capability to use mlock(2) with the exec driver. 📦
I forgot to mention a Nomad 1.6 feature #HashiCorpNomad users have wanting for years! HCL editing in the UI!
I know we all love editing 200+ lines of JSON full of nulls and nanosecond timestamps, but now you can view and edit HCL like a human right in the UI.
Nomad 1.6 Beta is out today! 🎉
I just have to say:
Node Pools
Node Pools
Node Pools
For everyone who has ever wanted "namespaces for nodes" please try Node Pools!
Happy Friday, y'all! One of the things I love doing is solving tech problems that intersect two different areas, and last week, with the help of @luiz_aoqui, I got #k8s (k0s distro) running on #HashiCorpNomad.
Check out my blog post on how it's done!
#hashiCorpAmbassador #cncfAmbassador #collaboration #kubernetes
#k8s #HashiCorpNomad #hashicorpambassador #cncfambassador #collaboration #kubernetes
I deployed Jaeger on k0s running on Docker as a job on Nomad, which is itself running on Docker, provisioned using Vagrant. 🤯
Every experiment leads to new learnings, and I learned a TON about k8s and Nomad!
Shoutout to @luiz_aoqui for pairing with me on this!
Blog post to come!
#hashicorpambassadors #HashiCorpNomad #cncfambassador
I deployed Jaeger on k0s running on Docker as a job on Nomad, which is itself running on Docker, provisioned using Vagrant. 🤯
Every experiment leads to new learnings, and I learned a TON about k8s and Nomad!
Shoutout to @luiz_aoqui for pairing with me on this!
Blog post to come! For now, check out the repo here:
#hashicorpambassadors #HashiCorpNomad #cncfambassador
If you ever wondered what integrations exists for #HashiCorp #HashiCorpNomad Look no further.