New ForgeFed #Blog post:
Stabilizing the Object Capability System
Where to comment: Right here on the Fediverse :)
#forge #ocaps #activitypub #forgefed #federation #haskell #fediverse #decentralization #development
#blog #forge #ocaps #ActivityPub #forgefed #federation #Haskell #Fediverse #decentralization #development
New ForgeFed blog post: Vervis actor refactoring
Where to comment: Here on the Fediverse :)
#activitypub #ocaps #haskell #development
#ActivityPub #ocaps #Haskell #development
@lorddimwit Is this just another attempt to support my #impostor complex and remind me that nobody can understand #Haskell without many years studying for the CS degree?
I would not recommend drinking whiskey while reading *Haskell Programming from First Principles*.
In case you ever need to explain to someone why to use #Haskell for a project
I wrote a #HelloWorld program in #Idris. I'm really excited about #totalProgramming, so my blog is going to be an Idris tutorial blog for the forseeable future.
My goal is to fill the void of tutorials for non- #Haskell programmers. Follow if you're interested!
#helloworld #idris #totalprogramming #Haskell
@alcinnz You might be interested in this:
Do you remember that we've just talked about this a few days ago?
The blog post has been published _today_.
Is this the Matrix or just coincidence (or have we inspired them)?π
#comparisonthatmakessense #rustlang #Haskell #Rust
@janriemer @rust_discussions @monad_cat I'm with you, Jan. I really enjoy #Rust for the reasons you mention, and more. My main gripe is the #async system. It has led to a bifurcation in crates. Do I need a standard or an async one? And if async, will it work with the executor I'm using? There is something to be said for the #Haskell and #goLang "green threads use the same API as synchronous" approach. Yes I know it lacks some flexibility, but OTOH it is unified.
@seth Hello Seth, and greetings from just a bit north of you! I don't see folks from #Kansas on here every day. Programmer here too; #Rust, #Haskell, #Debian developer since the 1990s, #Linux all over the place, and also a #pilot (because Kansas, right?) π I've got some introductions pinned to my profile also.
#pilot #Linux #Debian #Haskell #Rust #kansas
@algernon It does share a type system with #Haskell so the types don't seem weird to me π You're on the right track. Lists aren't linked lists, but the iterators provide that kind of glue. The thing I miss are the tools for good recursion (especially tail recursion). We do have match, but some syntactic sugar around processing lists/iterators like Haskell's `(x:xs)` syntax would be fantastic.
@tfb @JonYoder One of the things that hit me starting with #Haskell and continuing through #Rust is that rapid prototyping is overrated, and there is a lot to be said for "if it compiles, it is (more) likely to work." I think this has significantly raised my expectations for code quality and reordered how I think about productivity (invest a bit more upfront and spend less time debugging later) C, C++, Java, etc. didn't have that property really.
@JonYoder The one place I still see #Python being used is situations where the #REPL is valuable. (Note, #Haskell also has this). #Jupyter is an example of this too. People use #Python for rapid testing of things and interactive prototyping. For a time, when I had date arithmetic problems, I'd open up the Python CLI and write stuff there. Nowadays it's simpler to just write a Rust program to do it for me, really. 7/
#Jupyter #Haskell #repl #Python
@JonYoder These days, we have credible alternatives to #Python: #Rust, #Go, and #Haskell (among many others). All three of these are performant, avoid all the manual legwork of #C or the boilerplate of #Java, and provide easy ways to do simple things. 6/
#Java #C #Haskell #Go #Rust #Python
@nytpu The #unison file synchronization tool is written in #OCaml. git-annex by @joeyh is written in #Haskell. Parts of #Firefox are written in what was once that relatively niche language, #Rust. Not so niche anymore though. There's a ton of software written in #elisp, including mail and #Usenet readers, clients for web, #gopher, and #gemini; chat programs, and my favorite: the #exwm window manager.
#exwm #Gemini #gopher #Usenet #elisp #Rust #Firefox #Haskell #OCaml #unison
@mkf @jtr @debian @kensanata in that case, you might check out #unison, but it is written in #OCaml and I would wonder if you have a compiler available for that. git-annex by @joeyh is another possibility, but written in #Haskell so again there is a question if compiler availability on #HaikuOS. If all else fails, you may have to wind up with careful use of #rsync or something.
#rsync #haikuos #Haskell #OCaml #unison
How To Find Bugs In Your Shell Scripts Using ShellCheck On Linux #ShellCheck #ShellScripting #Scripting #Haskell #Opensource #Linux #Unix
#UNIX #Linux #OpenSource #Haskell #scripting #shellscripting #shellcheck