#TaylorFausak : « #Haskell’s killer app is #maintainability »
« I asked the following question on the 2019 State of #HaskellSurvey: “If you wanted to convince someone to use #Haskell, what would you say?” My answer to that question involves long term #maintainability and low risk #refactoring. I looked through the #survey responses and found many other people express the same sentiment. I collected some of them here as testimonials for #Haskell. »
#survey #refactoring #HaskellSurvey #maintainability #haskell #TaylorFausak
Last day of the #HaskellSurvey: « The goal of this #survey is to better understand what people think of the #Haskell #programming #language, together with its #ecosystem and community. Whether you have never used #Haskell or you use it every day, we want to hear from you! »
#ecosystem #language #programming #haskell #survey #HaskellSurvey