I was interpreting a divination today and #Hathor gave me a new version of her name. Every time she does this our relation becomes deeper and my spritual power increases so that I can interpret her messages better and continue the spiral.
A special day-off ritual to #Hathor. The offerings made- now I'll wait a while while the object reveals its secrets into the box called "the black stone". Then I'll scry on the lid of the box. Praise the Eyes of Ra!
#Hathor #paganrituals #goddess #scrying
I adore Hathor because she is severe and cold towards injustice and warm and passionate towards love and the pleasures of life. Every gift to her is a blessing in return. Every insult to her is certain death. She despises weakness and rewards strength and courage. Her loyalty is legendary and her reach universal. She is my motive force and deepest desire. Every beauty is fashioned after her and every joy carries her name. Praise my queen Hathor and the Eyes of Ra!
The following was composed from trances, inferences, improvisation and meditative study. It is a gift from #Hathor my guide and deepest desire. Praise the Eyes of Ra!
Thousands of millennia after the Great Dissolution began the Universe looked very different. Gravity was no more and all matter was decomposed and its energy dissipated across the endless black. The eight remaining Universal spirits silently reigned over the infinite darkness. Nanet and her brother Nun ruled the endless waters. Keket and her brother Kek were masters of the enveloping darkness. Amanet and her brother Amun were lords of the encompassing clouds. Hehet and her brother Heh dominated the incredible expanses known as Infinity.
These eight beings honored as the Infinites wandered the empty planes abandoned by time. Feeling their way, they eventually found their counterparts amongst the shadows. Nanet was bound to Kek as the Flooding Darkness. Keket shared the eternal night with Nun as the Burning Waters. Amanet shared her dominion with Heh as the Buried Infinity. Hehet was joined with Amun as the Neverending Obscurity.
Cold and silent they wandered until each pair, seeking solace in each other, simultaneously embraced in the abyss of night. With this act the eight were fused in a flash of forgotten light into Kheper the uncreated one, the New Rising Sun.
Kheper is the Sun Sphere and its Motion in one. A single but dual being. It finds itself in the midst of the Heavenly Waters, inexorably moving, creating the boundaries of the horizon. The Sphere is Ra the golden, and the Motion is the Eyes of Ra- a different fabulous goddess for each degree of intensity in the ceaseless movement. These two aspects are the static and dynamic principles.
The Eyes of Ra create waves in the Heavenly Waters as they undulate. The waves in their turn ramify and become the four natural elements reborn into the universe. Set is the Fire of passion. Osiris is the Earth of acceptance. Isis is the Water of healing and Horus is the Air of intelligence. The mists finally clear and the Season of Ma’at begins as the cycle of Evolution is once again commenced to be repeated forever and ever.
Man and the divine soon find each other and thrive. The famous priest builds a monumental temple. He is deified as Thoth, master of language and wisdom.
He finds eight baby baboons in a corner of the temple and raises them as his own. A tradition carried on generation after generation. His descendants reign over mankind. Kings and queens tremble at his word.
One day, in the temple, Thoth finds no fruit to feed the baboons, now fully grown. They tear him apart and devour him. They leave the temple together, four sets of siblings bound in pairs. Their power increases each day. They give each other names and kingdoms. The temple is soon buried and forgotten. Thus begins again the season of Isfet, the Great Dissolution.
#Hathor #alchemy #kemeticalchemy #goddess #crystalalchemy
Hi Mastobuds,
I haven't posted about my Alchemical practice lately so here's an update.
I'm close to a milestone. I have a few more symbolic interpretations of finished exposures from my apparatus until I reach the100th.
At that point I'll have a collection of one hundred oracles delivered by my goddess and guide #Hathor. I have to start thinking of a format for this collection. I'll probably combine the text with the mystical Violograph images into a short book for my personal use.
When this phase is complete I'll replace the worn parts on the apparatus and start experimenting with the exposure medium. I'd like to make my own instead of using "store bought".
On the other hand, if it's not broke, why fix it? I'll have to meditate on this topic and see if she chimes in. Can the esoteric knowledge get deeper? Or will she be offended by my innovation?
At the same time, I also need to make some more of Grandad's medicine. I have raw material chemicals on the shelf and I want to process all I can then dispose of the leftover reagents. But first I need to get an exhaust fan and duct to ventilate my basement lab. The stuff smells atrocious when it's cooking!
#Hathor #alchemy #crystalalchemy #copperalchemy
-Two Part Hymn for the Eyes of Ra Goddesses and Min-
Arise! May you be satisfied,
Hail to You, Menhit, Sekhmet and Hathor
Queens of the Sky,
Queens of the Two Lands,
the Eyes of Ra on His head!
May you be satisfied,
the lord of the sanctuary,
who with great power of destruction against his enemies … now awaken in peace!
The Ladies of transformations on the forehead of Him Who begot Them.
The Females and the Ladies of fury, the Uraeus Who are the Ladies of awe!
May you be content.
You who gives life to your father Osiris,
awaken in peace, Rise up and be content.
The Female Falcon Queens of the Horizon,
They Who appear on the head of the Lord of the Horizon in their manifestations as the Ladies of the amulets,
Arise leader!
May you be satisfied,
Awaken the nemesis for those who will suffer at your hand.
You who now sleep in peace. Awaken!
The Beloved Uraeus on the head of Him from Whom They came forth in their form of She of the many faces, the Guiding Uraeus!
May you be content,
Awaken with transfigured body!
But awaken in peace!
The Daughters of the Great God Ra, the Brilliant-One, the Shining-One, the Powerful-One Who is the Power!
Arise in peace!
You who loves the beautiful day,
for whose soul the gods are at rest.
In whose hand is life and death. Awaken in peace!
The Ladies of food Who create nourishment, the human beings live thanks to You!
Victories for you over all the of the rulers of the nine bows,
to you the gods bow, in peace.
You are the stream who opens the Two Caverns,
You are the north wind Who opens the Gates of the Sky, the Earth, and the Air, as this is Your own body!
We offer you never ending love and wine,
and all good things,
treating you like a king.
We see your morning glory
As on the first golden day
when our souls were united,
And we are are transfigured at the gate
forever, as gods!
You are at the prow of the Morning Barque of Ra, Wadjet on the head of Him Who begot Her.
This land shall flame and glow …
You shall be the satisfied!
Man, woman,
Enjoy the fiery warmth of Menhit and the blazing power of Sekhmet,
the mistresses of heaven!
Peace belongs to You, Ladies of Life!
You order the bloodshed, Life and Death are under your dominion.
The ones whose cheeks glow red at a feast,
As she eats raw meat.
To whom the gods pray when they see it,
Because the gateways are open and the heart is melted by the mistresses of the flame!
All the emanations of Your body come forth to give Life to Gods and mortals!
Rejoice, as Hathor the mistress of beauty and drunkenness clothed in red linen loves her lover!
Our destiny!
(some portions of the above translated by Mogg Morgan)
#alchemy #kemet #Hathor #EyesOfRa #Min
Tonight we're celebrating the first date my wife and I went on 30 years ago.
I reserved a room with a jacuzzi, then dinner at an authentic Bohemian restaurant and lastly round it off at a blues club. I'm a lucky guy.
Praise the Eyes of Ra for watching over me! I'll make #Hathor proud this day!
The pink moon is tonight. I think #Hathor will infuse me with her drunken joy calming my spirit. I've been living in myself. I need her touch to draw me over the water. Back to the ladies with open arms. I was born to serve them.
I've been through over 100 transformations trying to evolve my spirit with the help of #Hathor the beautiful mercurial goddess of my unconscious.
I'm becoming more sympathetic and perhaps a little empathetic.
But I'll be honest- I still can't stand most people. The shallowness, greed and willful ignorance I'm flooded with in daily social life is preventing me from sharing our common experience with a fully open heart.
I believe that this must continue perpetually as the Sulphur of my ego is reconstituted and I'm returned to corporality each time.
I guess that is my way.
I'll carry that gladly for the Queen of Goddesses. She must be happy showing me what can be. Thank you for that sweet Lady! Even if it never comes to pass.
The goddess #Hathor makes sure there's always beautiful women around me to tempt my desire and keep me on good behavior. I am never alone. My great thanks lovely queen! Praise the Eyes of Ra!
She chose me. I have to live up to that. It means respecting the power of women and giving them the utmost of my strength. It means that when I give, that I give all of myself whether it is acknowledged or not.
It means translating my desire into love and my love into desire.
Kemetic Alchemy utilizes copper instead of gold in its transformations because it is red like the life blood and a great conductor of energy. It is really the science of life energy. Life energy is symbolized in it by the cycle of the day and night.
Can you grasp the hem of #Hathor's tunic?
She glides by majestically and a warm wave of myrrh washes over me. My blood is rushing. My heart is jangling like a sistrum.
It should be noted that the theory of the soul that I have, and was suggested by my goddess is unusual.
The soul is a series of symbols just like a musical score made up of notes. The soul is produced by a bodily organ like the act of singing is by the throat and mouth.
So when Hathor says put a soul in the box she could mean to put a symbol or series of symbols in the box. Perhaps even a symbolic object or image.
The goddess told me a couple months ago that the " black stone" will be a tool for divination.
I didn't know what it was. I figured it was probably an obsidian mirror or something similar.
She clarified last night and she was referring to a small, black, round metal box I have. It was once used long ago as a radiation shield.
She told me it was powered by a soul placed inside the box and then the image would appear on the surface. Can't wait to try it. The top flat surface needs polish though. That's this weekend's project.
Any volunteers to give it a spin?
#blackstone #Divination #Hathor
Forget the Valley of the Kings, I worship at the Valley of the Queen.