Per Frances #Haugen, Mark #Zuckerberg è prigioniero di #Facebook
La #whistleblower che ha rivelato al #mondo i #segreti della #piattaforma ci ha parlato di futuro dei #social, dei rischi dell' #AI e del perché prova “pena” per il capo di #Meta
#Haugen #zuckerberg #facebook #whistleblower #mondo #segreti #piattaforma #social #ai #meta
Wie widerlich kann man sein? #instagram so :Ja!
Spätestens seit #haugen weiß man, dass #meta mehr als fragliche ethische Richtlinien hat.
Die aktuellen Enthüllungen des #wallstreetjournal und 2 US-Universitäten verdeutlichen, wie kriminell die Plattform ist und dass der #algorithmus die Vernetzung von #paedophilen zu leicht macht. Mehr als 1,3 Milliarden Menschen sind registriert, einige schwarze Schafe können sich ungestört austauschen und Meta tut kaum etwas. 🤮
#instagram #Haugen #meta #wallstreetjournal #algorithmus #paedophilen
Heute nach den Tagesthemen gibt es im linearen Fernsehen eine wichtige neue Doku von @sveckert und anderen aus dem Team von #WDRinvestigativ:
»Die Machtmaschine - Wie Facebook und Co. Demokratien gefährden«
In der Mediathek kann man den Film jetzt schon sehen:
Wir warnten vor diesen Entwicklungen schon 2011:
#Machtmaschine #Facebook #Meta #Fernsehen #TV #noAfD #Trump #Trollfabrik #Putintroll #Prigoschin #CyberfrontZ #myanmar #QAnon #FrancesHaugen #Haugen #CambridgeAnalytica #FakeNews #Zuckerberg #SturmAufsCapitol #whistleblower #politischeWerbung #DigitalServicesAct #DSA #GAFAM #BigFive #Lobbying #Informationskrieg #Desinformation #ThierryBreton #PhrabatAgarwal #Agarwal #ChristopherWylie @woelken @anna_cavazzini /c
#christopherwylie #agarwal #phrabatagarwal #ThierryBreton #desinformation #Informationskrieg #lobbying #BigFive #gafam #dsa #digitalservicesact #politischewerbung #whistleblower #sturmaufscapitol #zuckerberg #fakenews #cambridgeanalytica #Haugen #FrancesHaugen #qanon #myanmar #cyberfrontz #prigoschin #PutinTroll #Trollfabrik #trump #noafd #tv #fernsehen #meta #facebook #machtmaschine #WDRinvestigativ
I'm currently watching an interview with #Frances #Haugen and I'm reminded that there are books out there that will help folks take the first step in limiting their dependency on major social media such as "Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now" -
Summary of previous two toots: my 1974 Norwegian-to-English dictionary ("Haugen"), which includes all varieties of Norwegian and uses signs to indicate the official bokmål and nynorsk forms, gives "efter" as the bokmål word and leaves "etter" unmarked.
Today "etter" is the bokmål word, and "efter" isn't even in Bokmålsordboka and Nynorskordboka (the Norwegian Language Council's dictionaries). NAOB (Det Norske Akademis Ordbok) sends you from "efter" to "etter".
Kanskje til interesse: Einar Haugens Norwegian–English Dictionary fra 1974, som omfatter både dialekt, #bokmål og nynorsk og bruker tegner når formene er forskjellige, markerer "efter" som bokmål, mens "etter" er umarkert.
"Efter" er ikke i #Bokmålsordboka eller #Nynorskordboka, og artikkelen i NAOB sender man bare til "etter".
#bokmal #bokmalsordboka #nynorskordboka #norsk #ordboker #Haugen
È on-line #DigitalBridge, la newsletter di Mark #Scott di #Politico:
— La #whistleblower di #Facebook Frances #Haugen sta avviando un'organizzazione no-profit finalizzata alla responsabilità sui social media.
— Cosa c'è da amare e detestare nell'ultimo tentativo di Washington di approvare regole federali complete sulla #privacy.
— L'intelligenza artificiale sta diventando una vera opportunità per Bruxelles e Washington di giocare bene l'una con l'altra.
#politico #whistleblower #facebook #Haugen #privacy #DigitalBridge #Scott
L'audition de #Frances #Haugen devant le #Sénat états-unien
Comme nous l'avions fait pour l'audition de Tristan #Harris en juin 2019 (voir ici sur notre site), nous proposons une #traduction en français de l'audition de Frances Haugen devant le Sénat américain le 04 octobre 2021.
Ancienne cadre de #Facebook, Frances Haugen est à l'origine de l'affaire des […]
#facebook #traduction #harris #sénat #Haugen #frances
^ PS
Esteemed Fediverse,
pretty sure that you all watched the full #EU #Haugen #hearing about #Facebook ;)
Just if you missed something;
Public Hearing on Whistle-blower's testimony on the negative impact of big tech companies’ products on user IMCO Committee:
• MEPs Opening statements
• Opening statement by Frances HAUGEN
• Statements by the Digital Service Act #dsa rapporteurs and members of associated Committees
• Questions and Answers
#dsa #facebook #hearing #Haugen #eu
Frances #Haugen soon LIVE :
Public Hearing on Whistle-blower's testimony on the negative impact of big tech companies’ products on user
Greens / EFA
Monday, 15 PM GMT+1
right before the livestream of the hearing with #Facebook whistle-blower Frances #Haugen
Fixing the internet post-Facebook Files: toxic algorithms and manipulative business models
Frances #Haugen met with Christine Lambrecht, our Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection yesterday.
Would write to Lambrecht now regarding fedifunding but she will leave office soon …
German-language media omits 1 very crucial point in the coverage of the alleged #Facebook #whistleblower Frances #Haugen:
That she has concerns that the #encryption on the platform favours foreign #espionage, so indirectly speaks AGAINST encryption.
#facebook #whistleblower #Haugen #encryption #espionage
#Haugen isn't a whistleblower.
Deutschsprachige Medien sparen 1 ganz entscheidenden Punkt bei der Berichterstattung um die vermeintliche #Facebook #Whistleblowerin Frances #Haugen aus:
Dass diese Bedenken hat, dass die #Verschlüsselung auf der Plattform ausländische #Spionage begünstigt, sich also indirekt GEGEN Verschlüsselung ausspricht.
Bin ich:
a) der einzige dem das aufgefallen ist unb
b) stört?
#facebook #whistleblowerin #Haugen #verschlüsselung #spionage
Hanno creato scalpore le dichiarazioni della whistleblower Frances #Haugen, contraria alla #crittografia, ma anche alle authority #antitrust.
Una posizione stupida e miope che non condividiamo, ma che non toglie nulla al contributo dato dall'ex dirigente di #Facebook per far conoscere al mondo le sconsiderate condotte della sua azienda.
#Haugen #crittografia #antitrust #facebook
And this article fuels my guess, that there is a hidden #agenda behind the revelations resp. the way ot them by Frances #Haugen against #Facebook, to silence critical voices ONLY in #socialmedia, who question memes and actions of the #establishment.
#establishment #agenda #Haugen #facebook #socialmedia