#Haver now has persistent work spaces which persist the source code and the bound variables.
#smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #cuis #haversmalltalk #Haver
@Conornash That's interesting!
I did a complete round trip:
Started with Smalltalk/V for MDOS in the late 80s. Used the same #Smalltalk on Windows and OS/2 in the early 90s. Used C++ for the rest of that decade. Then switched to #Python as a substitute for Smalltalk. Used #Squeak and #Pharo for private projects. Finally came back to #Cuis around 2015. After some discussion I started my own Cuis-based Smalltalk called #Haver.
#Haver #cuis #pharo #squeak #python #smalltalk
Now I have a nice title ToDo-list application for #Haver.
#CuisSmalltalk #haversmalltalk #Haver
#CuisSmalltalk #haversmalltalk #Haver
(2) #PrettiggestoordNL
..melk drinken van een koe was gezonder dan het drinken van #ongezuiverd #water.
De armen aten vroeger #rogge, #gerst of #haver #brood met het risico dat daar #schimmels inzaten ('moederkoren'), waardoor ze ziek of #hallucinerend werden.
#Witbrood (#tarwe) was voor hen te duur.
Al vroeg was er wetgeving om de consument te beschermen, bv het 'Reinheitsgebot' voor bier eind 15e eeuw. En voor..(3)
#tarwe #witbrood #hallucinerend #schimmels #brood #Haver #Gerst #rogge #water #ongezuiverd #PrettiggestoordNL
Now we can evaluate nice looking expressions, like this one √(-4²) with our #Earley parser.
#haversmalltalk #Haver #earley
Semantic actions make the grammar considerably longer, but we can still make good use of Unicode arrows (⇑) provided #Cuis' Unicode handling.
#CuisSmalltalk #haversmalltalk #Haver #cuis
#haversmalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #Haver #cuis
#Cuis' constant changes in its canvas classes are sometimes a bit annoying. Every month or so I have to adapt #Haver's code.
#haversmalltalk #CuisSmalltalk #Haver #cuis
Finally my #Smalltalk implementation called #Haver has decent handling of undefined variables in it's modules.
#HaverOnCuis #cuis #Haver #smalltalk
Pushed the latest changes to the Haver's public repository:
#Haver #HaverOnCuis #smalltalk #CuisSmalltalk
So nu mal was tun, Schluß mit dem Getröte
Ich hatte jemand noch ne #Haver|-Release versprochen. Irgendwann ist es auch auf Whidbey Island Morgen.
The #CuisSmalltalk community had a very nice presentation of #Haver, a Cuis based Smalltalk With Modules. Thanks Gerald Klix @Haver@mastodon.technology
You can watch it by visiting the archives at the http://www.cuis-smalltalk.org/community or directly at https://youtu.be/0HagwHP6pGs
Stay tuned, next month Ken Dickey will present us his exploration of Bezier Curves with the VectorGraphics engine of Cuis!
@ueberlegend Aber ja, ich zitier einfach die Wikipedia:
»Haver Smalltalk eine Erweiterung von Cuis, mit einem vollständigem Modul-System.«
Guckst Du hier:
#CuisSmalltalk #Haver #smalltalk
@ueberlegend Die Doku von #Haver hab ich freiwillig geschrieben:
bear@speedy [HaverOnCuisDoc] ~/s/c/E/H/d/manual> find -iname '*.rst' | xargs cat | wc
1423 5640 43444
Siehe: http://haver.klix.ch/
Ich hab mir jetzt einen Account für meine #OpenSource Machwerke zugetan:
#CuisSmalltalk #smalltalk #Haver #opensource