I happened upon a bit of a steam-fest in Haworth at sunset yesterday. The sight and sounds made a walk to the local shop really quite lovely!
#Haworth #SteamTrain #IndustrialAge #Train #Sunset #Videography
#videography #Sunset #train #industrialage #steamtrain #Haworth
@KennyCoble @bookstodon Having spent my entire life avoiding the Brontës because I assumed they'd be old and boring, I finally read Wuthering Heights recently (bought on a visit to their home village, #Haworth), and it was absolutely brilliant, loved it!
#bookstodon #BronteSisters #EmilyBronte #GothicFiction #GothicNovel
#gothicnovel #GothicFiction #emilybronte #brontesisters #bookstodon #Haworth