Another book rec for folks of every size - Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison
#fatacceptance #fat #HealthAtEverySize #haes #antidiet
Your stigma is literally killing us 🙂 Please stop 🙂
#haes #healthateverysize #antidiet #ChristyHarrison #weightstigma #fatphobia
#fatphobia #weightstigma #christyharrison #antidiet #HealthAtEverySize #haes
Okay, now that I’ve actually finished The Fuck-It Diet, I can give a mostly-whole-hearted recommendation.
Keeping in mind that not all advice is applicable to everyone, and there’s probably stuff you’ll read and actively disagree with, it really does have a lot of valuable insight - both for us fat folk, but even those who aren’t.
#haes #health #diet #dietculture #healthateverysize #fitness #fat
🧵 ->
#fat #fitness #HealthAtEverySize #dietculture #diet #health #haes
Love this photo? You could be using it in your marketing! #HealthAtEverySize
TW: Fatphobia
Thinking of how I had to unfollow the #HealthAtEverySize #HAES hashtags on instagram and TikTok because they were overtaken by a metric ton of fatphobic content and that was taking a real toll on my mental health. I think I also had to unfollow #BodyPositivity there, too, for the same reason.
#HealthAtEverySize #haes #BodyPositivity
#introduction hi all, happy to be here! My hobbies are naps and Netflix. Also #gardening #socialjustice #reading #books #laborunion #organizedlabor #upstatenewyork #hiking #fatpositive #bodypositive #healthateverysize #sober #cats #cooking #BLM #progressive
#progressive #blm #cooking #cats #sober #HealthAtEverySize #bodypositive #fatpositive #hiking #UpstateNewYork #organizedlabor #laborunion #books #reading #socialjustice #gardening #introduction
some #Tags about me!
also, for anyone else wanting to do the same, i have recently learned that to help out people who use screen readers, you should always capitalize every word in a tag ☺️
i’m sure i’ll forget so many but you gotta start somewhere! also my interests are constantly changing so i’ll always be talking about some new shit lol
#Queer #Bi #Ace #Neurodivergent #ADHD #AuDHD #Fat #PlusSize #Ambivert #CancerSun #GeminiMoon #LibraRising #Cancer #Gemini #Libra #Astrology #Tarot #Divination #BabyWitch #Goblin #Foodie #Nerd #Writer #BookNerd #Poetry #Poet #Swiftie #ASMR #Giblets #Plushies #Squishmallows #StardewValley #Pokemon #Sims4 #AnimalCrossing #ACNH #ZeldaBOTW #DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #StrangerThings #She-Ra #TheBoys #HarleyQuinn #OwlHouse #ATLA #StudioGhibli #LoveSimon #BeckyAlbertalli #SimonSnow #RainbowRowell #QueerFiction #MikeFlanagan #StephenKing #Horror #Halloween #Exmormon #Utah #VegasBorn #TransAlly #BLM #Pride #HealthAtEverySize #HAES #SocialJustice #ClimateChange
#tags #queer #bi #ace #neurodivergent #adhd #AuDHD #fat #plussize #Ambivert #CancerSun #GeminiMoon #LibraRising #cancer #gemini #libra #astrology #tarot #divination #BabyWitch #goblin #foodie #nerd #writer #booknerd #poetry #poet #swiftie #asmr #giblets #plushies #squishmallows #stardewvalley #pokemon #sims4 #AnimalCrossing #acnh #zeldabotw #dungeonsanddragons #DnD #strangerthings #she #TheBoys #harleyquinn #OwlHouse #atla #StudioGhibli #LoveSimon #BeckyAlbertalli #SimonSnow #RainbowRowell #queerfiction #mikeflanagan #stephenking #horror #halloween #exmormon #utah #VegasBorn #transally #BLM #pride #HealthAtEverySize #haes #SocialJustice #climatechange
I've seen a few other new Mastodonians posting with a bunch of hashtags in order to find their people, which I thought was a cool idea so I figured I'd give that another whirl :ablobwobble:
For anyone already following me/not interested, happy scrolling!
#BodyLiberation #DisabilityJustice #Disabled #Disability #ChronicIllness #ChronicallyIll #Spoonie #RheumatoidArthritis #PsoriaticArthritis #InflammatoryArthritis #Polyarthritis #VideoGames #Tabletop #TabletopGames #LGBTQIA #Witch #Kink #SexPositivity #WonnaruaCountry #HunterRegion #AuDHD #AuDHDer #Indigenous #FirstNations #Cats #Foxes #AnimalRights #Disney #BDSM #NSFW #NudePhotography #Femme #SelfPhotography #TransRights #Accessibility #PersonalityTypes #MentalIllness #MentallyIll #Activism #Anxiety #Depression #GAD #MDD #Kinky #SocialActivism #Psychology #Neurodivergence #Fortnite #Crocs #Leftist #Anarchism #Lefty #AntiDiet #AntiDietCulture #HAES #HealthAtEverySize #IntuitiveEating #CrazyExGirlfriend #DemiLovato #McFly #MusicalTheatre #Musicals #Hamilton #LinManuelMiranda #Wicked #NatashaLyonne #Friends #Cluedo #Clue #Yellow #Fat #WLW #Sapphic #Dyke #RachelBloom #Aquarius #AquariusSun #VirgoMoon #SagittariusRising #INFJ #4w5 #BlackLivesMatter #Blak #BlakLivesMatter #BLM #Enneagram #TheSims4 #Aliens #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #AutoImmuneDisease #ASMR
I feel I'm forgetting important things or rather there are things I'm not quite sure how to articulate so... I'll probably be back 😆
#bodyliberation #disabled #disability #chronicillness #chronicallyill #spoonie #RheumatoidArthritis #psoriaticarthritis #polyarthritis #videogames #tabletop #tabletopgames #lgbtqia #witch #kink #sexpositivity #wonnaruacountry #hunterregion #audhd #audhder #indigenous #firstnations #cats #foxes #animalrights #disney #bdsm #nsfw #nudephotography #femme #selfphotography #transrights #accessibility #personalitytypes #mentalillness #mentallyill #activism #anxiety #depression #gad #mdd #kinky #socialactivism #fortnite #Crocs #leftist #anarchism #lefty #psychology #neurodivergence #crazyexgirlfriend #demilovato #mcfly #musicaltheatre #musicals #hamilton #linmanuelmiranda #wicked #NatashaLyonne #friends #Cluedo #clue #yellow #antidiet #antidietculture #haes #HealthAtEverySize #intuitiveeating #fat #wlw #sapphic #dyke #inflammatoryarthritis #rachelbloom #aquarius #aquariussun #virgomoon #sagittariusrising #infj #4w5 #blacklivesmatter #disabilityjustice #blak #BlakLivesMatter #blm #enneagram #thesims4 #aliens #alwayswasalwayswillbe #autoimmunedisease #asmr