AMP has just published!
"Strategies for the Promotion of Primary Health Care Research in Portugal: A Qualitative Study"
Original Article by Maria Beatriz Morgado, Vera Rodrigues, Raquel Carmona Ramos, Ana Rente, Paulo Nicola and Margarida Gil Conde – A multicenter work.
Full paper available here:
#healthservicesresearch #Portugal #primaryhealthcare #programevaluation #research
#HealthServicesResearch #portugal #PrimaryHealthCare #programevaluation #research
My {ICD10gm} package has now been updated on CRAN.
{ICD10gm} provides the complete data for the German modification of the ICD-10 classification. It provides a workflow and functions for their use in secondary data analysis.
Alongside the data for the year 2023, the update adds convenience functions to quickly look up ICD-10 codes, either directly in the console or by opening the official documentation in a browser.
#HealthServicesResearch #Versorgungsforschung #RStats
#RStats #versorgungsforschung #HealthServicesResearch
Yet again, the ONS has released some key data on #LongCovid.
This time, it shows that the incidence of Long Covid after a second infection is substantially lower than after the first. Regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, pre-existing health status, area deprivation, or vaccination status.
I like ONS's report format, presenting the key data simply while making the interpretation and limitations clear. It's a model for all doing #HealthServicesResearch.
#epiverse #HealthServicesResearch #LongCovid
Wondering if the proposed European Health Data Space could be the next NHS
There seems to be a lot of pandering to corporate interests eager to sell "AI", but little to no commication to explain why such a scheme is necessary.
Even as a strong proponent of using secondary data to improve health care, I'm very wary of the EHDS. And it's not going to solve the basic problems - we need to use the data we have.
#researchdata #HealthServicesResearch #EHDS
"in the South West of England they are trying out a new model for Parkinson’s care, one offering a more flexible approach. It involves giving patients a wider range of healthcare professionals to contact about their condition, starting with an assistant practitioner and going right up to the consultant. It actually results in even fewer face to face appointments with the neurologist but a much greater level of interaction..."
#HealthServicesResearch #healthservices
While it's not new that infections in early life are associated with Type-1-Diabetes, I was sceptical when early studies showed a large increase immediately after Corona.
But the evidence is getting stronger:
Two things:
1. The absolute risk is still low (https://xkcd.con1236)
2. Prevalence of T1D was already increasing, so a further increase will have a noticeable effect on health services. We'll need more diabetologists.
#HealthServicesResearch #corpna #diabetes
The people who write "grey literature" are often those with direct access to and deep knowledge of the data.
Consequently, grey literature can often have better data and more accurate interpretation than a peer review paper investigating the same question.
#HealthServicesResearch #versorgungsforschung
Guess the country.
(From a paper published in a fairly major journal).
Bonus points for guessing what it displays.
#dataviz #HealthServicesResearch #gis
If you want to talk about R, there's lots going on here. But #Epidemiology, #PublicHealth, #Versorgungsforschung / #HealthServicesResearch could do with more people and more activity (especially in Germany). It seems the network effects are keeping people elsewhere, unfortunately.
This might interest you though:
#HealthServicesResearch #versorgungsforschung #publichealth #epidemiology
Grey literature is an important source of information, especially in #HealthServicesResearch.
We put out a lot of data in the form of PDF files, press releases and presentations. But often, a paper will say "no data is available on X", because the data on X was not a journal article (and/or could not be found).
We need to make grey literature more permanent, better commented and more findable.
So: this report (from colleagues) is now available indefinitely on zenodo:
Der #AGENSMWS2023 nähert sich und wir freuen uns drauf! Dazu gibt es ein paar Updates: Die Anmeldung ist jetzt unter möglich. #healthservicesresearch #healthresearch #epidemiology
Der #CareerDay nimmt ebenfalls Formen an. Wir freuen uns auf Berufseinsteiger:innen aber auch Alteingesessene mit Interesse an „Applied Health Data Science“. #healthdata #datascience #jobs
Infos dazu gibt es auch auf der Homepage unter
#jobs #DataScience #healthdata #Careerday #epidemiology #HealthResearch #HealthServicesResearch #agensmws2023
I hate stock photos. Can AI do any better for my upcoming report on chronic disease management programmes in Bavaria?
Here's what came up with (formerly DALL-E mini).
#imagegeneration #AI #HealthServicesResearch
Just seen a conversation like this on mastodon:
> "I've collected this data meticulously for the past 20 years. I put it all into a spreadsheet."
> "So, what have you learned from the data?"
> "Not much, really. I don't do much with it."
This is all too common, especially in health care. So much effort is poured into collecting the data, but only a tiny fraction in learning from the data. We create data graveyards and somehow people are content with it.
#HealthServicesResearch #statistics
Delighted to see that Rishi Sunak is (supposedly) getting excellent care with his private GP who charges £250 for a 30min appointment.
An NHS GP receives only £164 *per year* for each registered patient (1).
And for comparison, a GP in Germany receives on average £40-£60 per quarter for each patient treated (2). Again, less than Rishi's half-hour private appointment.
#HealthServicesResearch #GP #PrimaryCare
#primarycare #GP #HealthServicesResearch
The collapse of the NHS
No nation is more proud of it's health service than the British are about the NHS. But the NHS is very much a system in collapse, due not only to Corona, but to long-term mismanagement and underfunding.
Am interesting episode of The News Agents podcast, even if there are more anecdotes than data.
Episode webpage:
#Healthcare #HealthServicesResearch
According to the OECD, the UK had 2.95 physicians per 1000 inhabitants in 2019 (
The World Bank uses the OECD data, but reports a whopping 5.8 physicians per 1000 in 2019 (
Does anyone have an explanation for this? Have the world bank done their sums wrong, or are they counting differently?
The question arises from this post:
Is there a canonical model /process diagram of the steps that have to occur between saying "I should get care for this symptom" and actually having an appointment?
References welcome
#access #HSR #HealthServicesResearch
We need more positive stories about how data is used to benefit people, because:
"the first time most people hear about projects like the GP data sharing scheme GPDPR is when there is a row over privacy and, instead of hearing of the potential benefits, they read headlines talking of an “NHS data grab”."
Another interesting column from @RoryCJ
#Privacy #Data #HealthServicesResearch
Funding opportunity for Canadian researchers from CIHR!
The objective is '.. to catalyze research on the #ClimateChange priorities identified in the Chief Public Health Officer's (CPHO) Report.'
Deadline: March 1, 2023
#climatechange #publichealth #healthservicesresearch #medicine
#climatechange #publichealth #HealthServicesResearch #medicine
Wrote a thing about how and why a #DigitalHealth intervention (#NHS111 online) disappeared from view.
Might be of interest to fellow #sociologists, #UrgentCare researchers #HealthServicesResearch peeps, and fans of Susie Scott's 'Sociology of Nothing'.
Anyhow, it's open access here
(Poetry warning: Also contains, I think, first use of John Cooper Clarke poem quote in a sociology of health and illness paper.)
#digitalhealth #nhs111 #sociologists #urgentcare #HealthServicesResearch