Now: #HealthAndSocialCare #NHS
I did chuckle when #JeremyHunt mentioned being a former #HealthSecretary cause it reminded me of his nickname. I won't say it here.
Workforce shortages are a HUGE issue. Let's recognise both #Brexit and #Covid.
#HealthandSocialCare #nhs #jeremyhunt #HealthSecretary #brexit #covid
Evening everyone
One of the many newbies so this is my #introduction toot.
So far finding this a more welcoming and inclusive place. Passionate and keen to connect with others about #healthequity,#HealthandSocialCare,
#healhinequalites , #adultsocialcare, #MentalHeath , #MentalHeath, #antiracism, #palliativecare, #endoflifecare
Some other passions are #TottenhamHotspur, #WINDIEScricket, #TwoTone
#introduction #healthequity #HealthandSocialCare #healhinequalites #adultsocialcare #MentalHeath #antiracism #palliativecare #endoflifecare #TottenhamHotspur #WINDIEScricket #TwoTone