RT @CallwayRosalie
.@BRE_Group says over 700,000 homes in England are 'excessively cold'. The NHS spends over £540m a year treating people affected by the worst properties. This is why we need #HealthyHomes principles embedded in the #LevellingUp Bill #fuelpoverty #Housing https://tcpa.org.uk/resources/healthy-homes-campaign-updates/
#HealthyHomes #levellingup #fuelpoverty #housing
Awaab's tragic death should indeed be a wake-up call for everyone in housing, social care and health. Never again can this be allowed to happen.
Everyone deserves a home fit to live in. #healthyhomes #warmhomes #HousingCrisis
RT @doctorpallavi: Devastating report from the coroner re cause of death of a 2 year old. Nobody should suffer from poor health due to mould in this day and age. #respiratory health #mould #HousingCrisis #so…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EllieChowns/status/1592532989476757504
#HealthyHomes #warmhomes #HousingCrisis #respiratory #mould #So
Decent housing for all is a moral issue - that’s why #HealthyHomes campaign is vital. Each year thousands of new homes are built which damage life chances & wellbeing of residents. It doesn’t need to be this way - transformational change is possible! @theTCPA
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1534248560757293057
Really important work 👇
RT @theTCPA: We're at the parliamentary reception for our #HealthyHomes campaign.
TCPA Chief-Exec @FionaEHowie is opening proceedings, saying 'the profound link between housing, planning, and health has been embedded in the work of the TCPA since we were founded’.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarolineLucas/status/1534239113158746113