Re The project #IHLGiS Inclusive Healthy Lifestyle groups aims to improve the health and wellbeing of young people with intellectual disabilities.
It focuses on healthy nutrition, hydration, physical activity, mental health & health literacy in schools.
RT @Europe_Active: ⚕️💡Fascinating speakers & discussions at @EuropeLiver 's #NASHsummit23 where we talked all things🧗🤸physical activity promotion, #HEPA , #HealthyLifestyle4All🏊🏃& about the @EumoveProject
Thanks for having us @loucas_fourlas 🇪🇺
#BEACTIVE #FattyLiverMonth #EUCancerPlan #NASHday
#NASHsummit23 #hepA #HealthyLifestyle4All #BeActive #FattyLiverMonth #EUCancerPlan #NashDay
RT @ChristophidouEU: We've hit the 💯th #HealthyLifestyle4All pledge!
The @fia made a significant commitment at the 1st Sport & Innovation Summit, highlighting their dedication to promoting easier access to motor sport for girls.
Check this & all pledges
Age shouldn't be a barrier to doing sport. However, the latest @EurobarometerEU clearly shows that physical activity decreases with age.
From #HealthyLifestyle4All to #BeActive Across Generations Award, we're tackling physical inactivity and building healthier society. ⤵️
#HealthyLifestyle4All #BeActive
RT @fia: Today, at the first @EuSport and Innovation Summit, FIA CEO Natalie Robyn signed the 100th #HealthyLifestyle4All pledge with @EU_Commission Vice-President @MargSchinas highlighting the FIA’s commitment to improving diversity and equality in Motor Sport through #FIAGirlsOnTrack
#HealthyLifestyle4All #FIAGirlsOnTrack
#HealthyLifestyle4All pledge #100: signed at the Sport & Innovation Summit!
We're glad to welcome @FIA among our pledgers. Through 'Girls on Track' FIA is committed to improving access & increasing participation of young women in motor sport on/off track:!8hGR7M
Dear friends of #EUSport & #HealthyLifestyle4All pledgers, this is for you 👇
Share your views on key priorities & needs for the next #EU4Health Annual Work Programme and help us build a stronger #HealthUnion. Take the survey before 8 May!
RT @EU_Health: #EU4Health is our biggest-ever investment in public health, but its success lies in collaboration.
Help us shape the priorities, orientation & needs f…
#EUSport #HealthyLifestyle4All #EU4Health #HealthUnion
RT @fia: Today, at the #EUSportForum FIA Vice-President for Sport - Europe Anna Nordkvist met with European Commission DG EAC Head of the Sport Unit @EuSport Floor Van Houdt to discuss opportunities of cooperation to make sport more inclusive and accessible to all. #HealthyLifestyle4All
#EUSportForum #HealthyLifestyle4All
RT @EuSport: Dear friends of #EUSport & #HealthyLifestyle4All pledgers, this is for you 👇
Share your views on key priorities & needs for the next #EU4Health Annual Work Programme and help us build a stronger #HealthUnion. Take the survey before 8 May!
#EUSport #HealthyLifestyle4All #EU4Health #HealthUnion
🇸🇪 Minister @jakobforssmed said it: the social power of sport is unquestionable. Through sport we can promote a #HealthyLifestyle4All, but also combat wider social issues, such as exclusion & loneliness.
Follow the #BeInclusive ceremony later today for some great examples!
#HealthyLifestyle4All #BeInclusive
Promoting a #HealthyLifestyle4All, supporting athletes’ rights, and making sport greener are some of the topics we are going to address during the #EUSportForum this year.
Follow the debates online with experts in the field of EU sport on 2-3 May!
#HealthyLifestyle4All #EUSportForum
RT @EuropeanYouthEU: Does your organisation wants to inspire individuals to lead healthier lives?
Submit a #HealthyLifestyle4All pledge to;
📈 raise awareness
💛 make sport more accessible or
⚽ take a holistic approach to food, health, well-being and sports
Learn more ➡️
Най-новото проучване на @EurobarometerEU показва, че физическата активност намалява с възрастта.
Чрез инициативите #HealthyLifestyle4All и #BeActive Awards, ЕС 🇪🇺 насърчава спортуването и по-здравословния начин на живот.
Научете повече 👇
#HealthyLifestyle4All #BeActive
Ottimo confronto con il Ministro per lo Sport e la Gioventù @andreaabodi
✔️@EuSport 🔄#BeActive, #HealthyLifestyle4All e 🔜Sport & Innovation Summit!
✔️🇪🇺Corpo di solidarietà 🇮🇹 giovani
🤝Innovazione, sport e salute al centro di ambizioni condivise
RT @GabrielMariya: Excellent exchange of views w/🇮🇹Minister for Sport & Youth @andreaabodi⤵️
✔️#EuropeanYearOfYouth legacy
✔️@EuSport impact🔄#BeActive, #HealthyLifestyle4All &🔜Sport & Innov’ …
#annoeuropeodeigiovani2022 #BeActive #HealthyLifestyle4All #EuropeanYearOfYouth
Excellent exchange of views w/🇮🇹Minister for Sport & Youth @andreaabodi⤵️
✔️#EuropeanYearOfYouth legacy
✔️@EuSport impact🔄#BeActive, #HealthyLifestyle4All &🔜Sport & Innov’ Summit!
✔️🇪🇺Solidarity Corps for🇮🇹youth
🤝Innovation, sport & health at the core of shared ambitions.
#EuropeanYearOfYouth #BeActive #HealthyLifestyle4All
Open for feedback: @EU_Health call for evidence on the forthcoming European Commission Communication on a comprehensive approach to #MentalHealth.
Have your say by 15/2 on how to promote good health, prevent, mitigate & respond to mental health challenges! #HealthyLifestyle4All
RT @EU_Health: We need #MentalHealth in all policies with a focus on prevention to effectively tackle it.
Today, we have published a call for evidence on the forthcoming Commission Commun…
#MentalHealth #HealthyLifestyle4All
3⃣ Not-for-profit European sport events
In 2023, #ErasmusPlus will support the preparation, organisation & follow-up to not-for-profit sport events with €7 million, focusing, in particular, on events fighting discrimination, promoting social inclusion & #HealthyLifestyle4All.
#ErasmusPlus #HealthyLifestyle4All
The most recent @EurobarometerEU shows that physical activity decreases with age.
‼️Age shouldn't be a barrier to doing sport!
From #HealthyLifestyle4All and its Youth Ideas Lab to #BeActive Awards, we're tackling physical inactivity and building healthier society! ⬇️
#HealthyLifestyle4All #BeActive
A #HealthyLifestyle4All is key to achieving a better society everywhere in Europe and beyond.
This is why ENAS @enas_sport_net has been committed to promoting healthy lifestyles for all in campuses all over Europe 👏.
Check out ENAS' pledge ⤵️
The #HealthyLifestyle4All initiative has been met with enthusiasm across Europe!
Glad to have @cultureGR 🇬🇷 on board too with a pledge promoting healthy lifestyle for all involving citizens, athletes, municipalities, prefectures, and sport federations & clubs. More ⬇️