A big question that we put to key speaker Sandra Husbands, Director of Public Health for Hackney & the City of London, is:
"Can transport and health authorities work more closely to deliver better outcomes?"
We encourage campaigners, borough officers, councillors & local authority decision-makers to attend the 2023 event.
We recognise your hard work and want to celebrate achievements & inspire more #HealthyStreets.
Please share this invite with others.
RT @SNGreenways
Tripet and his family have been enjoying the Central District #HealthyStreets since they opened, and hope @seattledot and @MayorofSeattle will make them permanent!
Heute im #VCÖ-#goodpractice-Adventkalender: #HealthyStreets in #London. Straßen so gestalten, dass sie nicht krank machen, sondern die Gesundheit stärken. PS: Gesunde Straßen sind in allen Städten umsetzbar! https://vcoe.at/gesunde-staedte
#VCÖ #GoodPractice #HealthyStreets #london
.@CathyTuttle@twitter.com asked me on Mastodon which five Seattle streets I love. Here are my picks — what are yours?
Franklin Ave E #SchoolStreet
Lake Washington Boulevard as #AccessibleLWB
Occidental Ave #PedestrianStreet
42nd Ave S P-Patch diverter #HealthyStreets
Ballard Ave #CafeStreet
#SchoolStreet #AccessibleLWB #pedestrianstreet #HealthyStreets #cafestreet
.@CathyTuttle@twitter.com asked me on Mastodon which five Seattle streets I love. Here are my picks — what are yours?
Fairview Ave #SchoolStreet
Lake Washington Boulevard as #AccessibleLWB
Occidental Ave #PedestrianStreet
42nd Ave S P-Patch diverter #HealthyStreets
Ballard Ave #CafeStreet
#SchoolStreet #AccessibleLWB #pedestrianstreet #HealthyStreets #cafestreet
@CathyTuttle five streets that inspire me in Seattle:
Fairview Ave: school street in Eastlake. #SchoolStreets
Lake Washington Boulevard: from Mt Baker-Seward Park when it is an Open Street. #AccessibleLWB
Occidental Ave: Seattle's historic pedestrian-only street. #PedestrianStreets
42nd Ave S: A p-patch diverter in South Seattle. #HealthyStreets
Ballard Ave: since it became Seattle's most successful #cafestreet
#schoolstreets #AccessibleLWB #pedestrianstreets #HealthyStreets #cafestreet
Always a joy dreaming big about streets for people with @dongho_chang@twitter.com. We talked about accessibility, pedestrian signals, diverters, #VisonZero, #HealthyStreets, bike routes for SE Seattle, Aurora, the waterfront, and centering our street design around community needs and values.
RT @raphaelzy3@twitter.com
Launching another #SchoolStreet in @wandbc@twitter.com supported by @SustransLondon@twitter.com - A much needed safe space for the parents and children of @beatrixpottersc@twitter.com. #HealthyStreets @WandsLS@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/raphaelzy3/status/1589649322987380736
Hello, I'm Sylvia, I live in North West London, UK. I'm a campaigner who was lucky enough to turn my passion for safe, inclusive and clean streets, into a job. Currently, a behaviour change officer at a national charity, working on projects all over London.
#ActiveTravel #HealthyStreets #SchoolStreets #BeyondTheBicycle #Equity
#activetravel #HealthyStreets #SchoolStreets #BeyondTheBicycle #equity