What does it mean to be operating in the prophetic?
The spirit of prophecy has little to do with giving people words and more to do with how one interprets scripture.
According to the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Bible Dictionary, the word “prophet” speaks of “one who brings forth the inner fruit,” or the "seed inside.” Yeshua tells us the parable of a seed and how it is actually symbolic of the Word of God (Luke 8:11). The seed inside is the mysteries of Scripture.
The word “prophet” is also known as “a knowledge of something that is not known by the five senses.” This means that seeing and hearing aren’t something done by human eyes or ears; rather, interpreting Scripture must be done with spiritual eyes and ears.

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#bible #Hear #See #Yeshua #fruit #release #torah #spirit #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

A quick Google search will tell you that the definition of “blessing” is to be made holy; consecrated. Looking at the word in Hebrew will reveal how we get there: it speaks of a bending at the knee in order to drink water, or to present a gift. The bending at the knee speaks of a humility to receive from God (ref 2 Chron 6:13); while the water is symbolic of the word of God that has the ability to sanctify and cleanse our souls (ref Eph 5:26).

The real gift, or blessing, is the ability to understand God’s Word and who He is, which brings a deeper connection with God. We are blessed when the Father reveals Himself to us.

Did you know we have pages of articles to read from? Visit voh.church/resources to read and share them with your friends.

#clean #See #Hear #listen #humility #Humble #Instruct #teaching #water #holy #Kneel #Understanding #rain #blessings #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

A quick Google search will tell you that the definition of “blessing” is to be made holy; consecrated. Looking at the word in Hebrew will reveal how we get there: it speaks of a bending at the knee in order to drink water, or to present a gift. The bending at the knee speaks of a humility to receive from God (ref 2 Chron 6:13); while the water is symbolic of the word of God that has the ability to sanctify and cleanse our souls (ref Eph 5:26).

The real gift, or blessing, is the ability to understand God’s Word and who He is, which brings a deeper connection with God. We are blessed when the Father reveals Himself to us.

Did you know we have pages of articles to read from? Visit voh.church/resources to read and share them with your friends.

#clean #See #Hear #listen #humility #Humble #Instruct #teaching #water #holy #Kneel #Understanding #rain #blessings #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago


Neh 13:3 So it was, when they had heard the Law, that they separated all the mixed multitude from Israel.

This mixing with the children of Israel and outside nations is symbolic of a mixture in teachings from God and the devil. God said that there would be enmity, which is hostility, between the seed of the serpent and the seed of Eve. Jesus explains in the parable of the sower that the seed is the word of God. The word seed in Greek is sperma which is DNA.
You know you have the DNA of God within you when you are living in obedience to Him and can interpret the deeper understanding of His word being transformed by it.

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#freedom #truth #Serpent #beast #Hear #See #behold #Worship #Praise #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

There is a common theme amongst the old and new testaments: the prophets and Jesus both urge the people to get ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’. Do we really understand what this means?

To learn more click on our website: The Voice of Healing Church | Revealing Jesus in You (voh.church)

#kingdom #Understanding #Perceive #mysteries #Parables #Hear #ears #See #Eyes #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 3 years ago