The new #HeavyGearBlitz releases are here! #HeavyGear
#HeavyGear #TTRPG 4th Edition Kickstarter just launched:
I'm not 100% sold on the new's not really the direction I've gone in. But the art looks pretty nice. I'm not a miniatures gamer so the integration with HG Blitz doesn't do much for me.
Another batch of high-quality PDFs of 1st & 2nd edition Heavy Gear books, hexmaps & counter sheets.
These are expensive, but currently available in a half-priced bundle.
A great deal if you're a fan of mecha gaming - tabletop rpgs or wargames.
#HeavyGear #HeavyGearRPG #HeavyGearTactical #Mecha #MechaGaming
#HeavyGear #HeavyGearRPG #heavygeartactical #mecha #mechagaming
And checking through the PDFs, they included the hexmaps and counters that came with some of those books, so you can play Heavy Gear Tactical with just those PDFs!
#mecha #mechagaming #HeavyGear #heavygeartactical #wargames
Dream Pod 9 is releasing new high-quality PDFs of 22 1st/2nd edition Heavy Gear books, generated from the original electronic files. All 22 books are available in a half-price bundle.
These are great rpg & wargaming products. I have hardcopies of all of these titles, and this bundle is a great deal. Highly recommend getting them if you’re into tabletop mecha gaming.
#Mecha #MechaGaming #HeavyGear #HeavyGearRPG #HeavyGearTactical
#mecha #mechagaming #HeavyGear #HeavyGearRPG #heavygeartactical
Guten Morgen ☀️
Anbei ein #HeavyGear #D6 #Hack - ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt, was Fans aus dem alten #StarWars #System von #WEG herausholen.
Ja, mir ist bekannt, dass an einer neuen, offiziellen Version gearbeitet wird.
Schönen Freitag.
#HeavyGear #d6 #hack #starwars #system #weg #scifi #mecha #poweredarmor #ttrpg
Second place for me would have to go to #DreamPod9's #HeavyGear setting. Again, this is a vast setting where you can have all kinds of adventures despite the focus on mecha in the form of Striders and the titular Heavy Gears.
I'm gonna add my two cents to the list of #TTRPG rules and settings out there that don't rely on some variation of the d20 System.
#EdenStudios has several #Horror and #DarkFantasy games including #AllFleshMustBeEaten , the #WitchCraftRPG, #GhostsOfAlbion and the #ArmageddonRPG, plus the hidden gem of Ape-themed RPGs, #TerraPrimate
#DreamPod9 is about to relaunch the #HeavyGear RPG to supplement its tabletop wargame of the same name.
#StrangeMachineGames now publishes #Robotech, too.
#ttrpg #edenstudios #horror #darkfantasy #allfleshmustbeeaten #witchcraftrpg #ghostsofalbion #armageddonrpg #terraprimate #dreampod9 #HeavyGear #strangemachinegames #Robotech
I'll give the #7TTRPGs thing a shot, though I suspect my answers are probably getting a bit repetitive.
Seven games that influenced me in no particular order:
#7ttrpgs #shadowrun2e #changelingthedreaming #HeavyGear #bigeyessmallmouth #7thSea1Edition #ADnD2E #Polaris
@ThisIsVictor Oh, I can think of a few.
#DungeonCrawlClassics, #MutantsAndMasterminds, and #HeavyGear are just three of them.
#dungeoncrawlclassics #mutantsandmasterminds #HeavyGear
So, jumping on the new meme
5 Games I have played, in no order
5 Games I want to GM (out of many many many)
Honestly, you could probably talk me in to GMind just about anything.
#vtm #mta #InSpectres #callofcthulhu #HeavyGear #bladesinthedark #TimeWatch #deltagreen #Deviant #FateofCthulhu