New on Instagram: #norway #norway🇳🇴 #nature #landscape #clouds #rain #heavyrain
#norway #nature #landscape #clouds #rain #HeavyRain
Global News BC: Okanagan residents urged to brace for severe thunderstorms #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #Thunderstorms #stormwarning #Weatherwatch #downpours #HeavyRain #Mudlsides #boundary #Flooding #Okanagan #Weather #BCFlood #Floods
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #thunderstorms #stormwarning #weatherwatch #downpours #HeavyRain #mudlsides #boundary #flooding #okanagan #Weather #BCFlood #floods
Global News BC: Heavy rain forecast for parts of B.C.’s Southern Interior #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #kootenaylakearea #WeatherWarning #weatheralert #50mmofrain #arrowlakes #slocanlake #HeavyRain #Kootenays #boundary #Flooding #Weather #News
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #kootenaylakearea #WeatherWarning #weatheralert #50mmofrain #arrowlakes #slocanlake #HeavyRain #Kootenays #boundary #flooding #Weather
Global News BC: High streamflow advisory issued for B.C. South Coast with days of rain forecast #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #B.C.RiverForecastCentre #HighStreamflowAdvisory #RiverForecastCentre #LocalizedFlooding #Highstreamflow #BCFlooding #HeavyRain #Weather #BCFlood #Rain
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #HighStreamflowAdvisory #riverforecastcentre #localizedflooding #highstreamflow #BCFlooding #HeavyRain #Weather #BCFlood #rain
Reading TomorrowX3 feels different when you remember Braid's release - #Supportersonly #Blockbuster #HeavyRain #Braid #Indie
#indie #Braid #HeavyRain #blockbuster #Supportersonly
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #ps3 #heavyrain #TheLastOfUs #tlou
#ps3 #HeavyRain #thelastofus #tlou
This is what it’s like to be on the business end of one of those #AtmosphericRiver s. My driveway on Saturday morning in the Sacramento Valley, California. #HeavyRain
Global News BC: Heavy rain forecast to soak South Coast through to Friday #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RainfallWarning #SouthCoastrain #weathersystem #Winterweather #southcoast #BCweather #HeavyRain #Weather #BCrain
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #RainfallWarning #southcoastrain #weathersystem #Winterweather #southcoast #BCweather #HeavyRain #Weather #BCrain
Continúo cos 4 #videoxogos que máis me prestaron este ano:
- Detroit: Become Human - Este ano xoguei tamén #HeavyRain e #BeyondTwoSouls, pero con este David Cage tocou o meu xénero preferido.
- #TheUncertain: Last Quiet Day: Curtiña e cun moi bo punto de partida.
- #StateOfMind: O terceiro de ciencia ficción e recomendado por @anton, unha historia inquedante.
- #TheWitcher: Xoguei os tres este ano e a historia de Geralt cautivoume de principio a fin.
#videoxogos #HeavyRain #beyondtwosouls #theuncertain #stateofmind #thewitcher
Got the #lumo up to #Edinburgh yesterday with my parents, and walked around in #HeavyRain today. It was totally worth it though. Beautiful city. #JohnLewis has a brilliant cafe on top floor with a view over city (thanks Helen from work for tip) and there’s #daleks in the #NationalMuseumOfScotland #WorldsOfWonder
#lumo #edinburgh #HeavyRain #johnlewis #daleks #NationalMuseumOfScotland #worldsofwonder
Painting in Hambleden from a few weeks ago. So lucky I had my umbrella with all these heavy rain showers on that day. It absolutely hammered it down. Oil on linen board 24 x 18 cm.
#hambleden #oilpainting #artwork #painter #landscapepainting #pleinairpainting #heavyrain
#hambleden #oilpainting #artwork #painter #landscapepainting #pleinairpainting #HeavyRain
Update to my #introduction because I missed a load of tags off. Things and people I'm into are .....
Superhero action movies - MCU and DC
#PlayStationGaming but I'm really bad at playing, I'm just there for the storyline. #GTA5, #LastOfUs, #RedDeadRedemption, #AssassinsCreed, and #HeavyRain are my top favs for that.
I'm gradually being introduced to anime, and YouTubers like #Ludwig, #OfflineTV, and #MarkRober ♥
#introduction #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #startrek #SchittsCreek #PlayStationGaming #GTA5 #LastOfUs #RedDeadRedemption #assassinscreed #HeavyRain #Ludwig #OfflineTV #markrober
NetEase have acquired Quantic Dream - #Detroit:BecomeHuman #ActionAdventure #StarWarsEclipse #Beyond:TwoSouls #ScienceFiction #UnderTheWaves #NeteaseGames #QuanticDream #StoryRich #HeavyRain #Fantasy
#detroit #ActionAdventure #StarWarsEclipse #beyond #sciencefiction #UnderTheWaves #NeteaseGames #quanticdream #StoryRich #HeavyRain #fantasy
Die Szene mit der Pressekonferenz hätte so auch in einem Lego-Spiel stattfinden können: Gewinke bis zum Abwinken (badumtis) und aus dem Raum kommen anschließend mehr Leute heraus, als überhaupt reinpassen. 😁 #HeavyRain
Eigentlich sollte der Bub in #HeavyRain an dieser Stelle ins Bett gebracht werden (bereits nach 12 Uhr) aber der "idled" rücklings auf der Couch und die Auswahloptionen tauchen auch nicht mehr auf. 😄
Ich bekomme wirklich alles kaputt. 😆
#ClimateChange increases the frequency of #cyclones in #India. It shows the vulnerability to #HeavyRain, #storm and #flooding. The impact of cyclone #Nisarga (#Maharashtra #Gujarat) and #Amphan (#WestBengal #Odisha) have reinforced the urgency of #ClimateChangeAdaptation and #DisasterRiskManagement: #Adaptation such as protecting #mangroves and #wetlands, #EarlyWarningSystems, #LandUsePlanning and infrastructure like #drainage systems.
#Mumbai #Kolkata #IPCC
#climatechange #cyclones #india #HeavyRain #storm #flooding #Nisarga #maharashtra #gujarat #Amphan #westbengal #odisha #climatechangeadaptation #disasterriskmanagement #adaptation #mangroves #wetlands #earlywarningsystems #landuseplanning #drainage #mumbai #kolkata #ipcc
Stating that the #impacts of #ClimateChange are inevitable, the European Environment Agency #EEA calls for a more ambitious #ClimateChangeAdaptation strategy of the #EuropeanUnion and #EU countries.
#Drought, #HeavyRain, #Flooding, #ForestFires and #SeaLevelRise could affect some selected regions in #Europe, including #CentralEurope, the #IberianPeninsula, #Scandinavia, #Brittany and #Venice. All of these impacts make #adaptation to the impacts of climate change crucial.
#impacts #climatechange #eea #climatechangeadaptation #europeanunion #eu #drought #HeavyRain #flooding #forestfires #sealevelrise #europe #centraleurope #IberianPeninsula #scandinavia #brittany #venice #adaptation