Qyv (;* Mr. Squelch *;) 🍍 · @PhotonQyv
378 followers · 15923 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

For, 'motoring through', read 'skipping the tedious bits'.


Last updated 4 years ago

Qyv (;* Mr. Squelch *;) 🍍 · @PhotonQyv
378 followers · 15923 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

Weird... So I'm really flying through the series, kind of glad I've only discovered them now since had I found them when I was within the age range that they're aimed at I'd have thrown them away in disgust.

To be fair Gateway isn't bad, but so far the rest have been a little too juvenile, so I would probably have not bothered reading much further than the second one.

As it is, with nothing better to do, other than to plough through, I'm motoring through them.

#Heechee #TheMongoliad

Last updated 4 years ago

Qyv (;* Mr. Squelch *;) 🍍 · @PhotonQyv
378 followers · 15923 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

Which is my convoluted way of saying I'm currently reading the series in MoonReader+ while also still reading in FBReader.

Just finished in the former, actually.

#Heechee #TheMongoliad #gateway

Last updated 4 years ago