Der italienische Indie-Genre-Hit #FreaksOut kommt immerhin hier nun ins #Heimkino, #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds zeigt Probleme mit Drehtüren auf, Grafikdesigner werden auf dem Mars nicht mehr gebraucht und #PatriciaArquette hat ein Problem mit und ohne Drogen. #FantastischeTrailer @filmeundserien
#freaksout #Heimkino #startrekstrangenewworlds #patriciaarquette #fantastischetrailer
@verge Finde den Fehler. #Sonos stellt den Era 300 vor. Aus nur einem #Lautsprecher (Gehäuse) soll dort #DolbyAtmos kommen. Schade wie ein Ton format so verramscht wird. Der content in Atmos ist oft schlecht gemischt und was ein wirkliches #Heimkino ausmacht verlernen die Käufer zunehmend. Alles kaufen und hören, und wenn Atmos drauf steht umso besser 😪😳
#sonos #Lautsprecher #DolbyAtmos #Heimkino
@jue In meiner alten #Heimkino-Installation hatte ich einen #HDMI-Umschalter und einen separaten Audio-Extractor/#AC3/#DTS-#Decoder mit angeschlossenem #Kompressor um die Lautstärkeunterschiede in den Filmen zu nivellieren.
CEC konnte das allerdings nicht (muss eh hinten noch eine Mehrkanal-Endstufe dran) und hat insgesamt nicht zufriedenstellend funktioniert.
AV-Sync ist teilweise selbst mit dafür ausgelegter Hardware ein PITA. 😬
#Heimkino #hdmi #decoder #kompressor
was i there? or am i still there? on the #search, to #find something… #sad. especially when you don't quite get your #bearings, and #broke.
just finished watching #francisha directed by #noahbaumbach #film #movie #blackandwhite #bw #comedy #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #comedy #bw #blackandwhite #movie #film #noahbaumbach #francisha #broke #bearings #sad #find #search
was i there? or am i still there? on the #search, to #find something… #sad. especially when you don't quite get your #bearings, and #broke.
just finished watching #francisha directed by #noahbaumbach #film #movie #blackandwhite #bw #comedy #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #comedy #bw #blackandwhite #movie #film #noahbaumbach #francisha #broke #bearings #sad #find #search
1st of all, so very surprised #dfung told me she'd watched this when it came out & was rather excited about it. i mean i didn't think she'd be interested in #célinedion or #michaelblubé. then i understand after watching it: those musical moments that go with the #songs we all know so well, and #chicago, ha. a diff kind of #documentary. #largerthanlife in many ways.
just watched #davidfoster #offtherecord directed by #barryavrich #film #movie #music #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #music #movie #film #barryavrich #offtherecord #davidfoster #largerthanlife #documentary #chicago #songs #michaelblube #celinedion #dfung
1st of all, so very surprised #dfung told me she'd watched this when it came out & was rather excited about it. i mean i didn't think she'd be interested in #célinedion or #michaelblubé. then i understand after watching it: those musical moments that go with the #songs we all know so well, and #chicago, ha. a diff kind of #documentary. #largerthanlife in many ways.
just watched #davidfoster #offtherecord directed by #barryavrich #film #movie #music #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #music #movie #film #barryavrich #offtherecord #davidfoster #largerthanlife #documentary #chicago #songs #michaelblube #celinedion #dfung
what an #entertainer! what a life!… there’re #songs i didn’t know about which were apparently ahead of their time, and deep. and there’re those that have always moved me, like #thegrassisblue. then there’re the #classics which will always be, classics. love those stories around them. just finished watching #dollyparton #hereiam directed by #franciswhately #film #movie #documentary #music #countrymusic #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #countrymusic #music #documentary #movie #film #franciswhately #HereIAM #DollyParton #classics #thegrassisblue #songs #entertainer
what an #entertainer! what a life!… there’re #songs i didn’t know about which were apparently ahead of their time, and deep. and there’re those that have always moved me, like #thegrassisblue. then there’re the #classics which will always be, classics. love those stories around them. just finished watching #dollyparton #hereiam directed by #franciswhately #film #movie #documentary #music #countrymusic #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #countrymusic #music #documentary #movie #film #franciswhately #HereIAM #DollyParton #classics #thegrassisblue #songs #entertainer
#mesmerizing. and those #tensions between people. and what could become #truths…
just finished watching #competenciaoficial #officialcompetition directed by #marianocohn #gastónduprat #film #movie #drama #spain #spainish #españa #español #esp #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #esp #espanol #espana #spainish #spain #drama #movie #film #gastonduprat #marianocohn #officialcompetition #CompetenciaOficial #truths #tensions #mesmerizing
#mesmerizing. and those #tensions between people. and what could become #truths…
just finished watching #competenciaoficial #officialcompetition directed by #marianocohn #gastónduprat #film #movie #drama #spain #spainish #españa #español #esp #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #esp #espanol #espana #spainish #spain #drama #movie #film #gastonduprat #marianocohn #officialcompetition #CompetenciaOficial #truths #tensions #mesmerizing
it's like going through this seemingly #quietjourney with these #characters. and yes, #thepresent is always defined by #thepast but again, #thefuture is really up to us.
it took me almost four months to see another #film… but better late than never. just finished watching #ドライブマイカー #drivemycar directed by #濱口竜介 #ryusukehamaguchi #movie #drama #日本 #nippon #japan #japanese #jpn #jp #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #jp #jpn #japanese #japan #Nippon #日本 #drama #movie #RyusukeHamaguchi #濱口竜介 #DriveMyCar #ドライブマイカー #film #thefuture #thepast #thepresent #characters #quietjourney
it's like going through this seemingly #quietjourney with these #characters. and yes, #thepresent is always defined by #thepast but again, #thefuture is really up to us.
it took me almost four months to see another #film… but better late than never. just finished watching #ドライブマイカー #drivemycar directed by #濱口竜介 #ryusukehamaguchi #movie #drama #日本 #nippon #japan #japanese #jpn #jp #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #jp #jpn #japanese #japan #Nippon #日本 #drama #movie #RyusukeHamaguchi #濱口竜介 #DriveMyCar #ドライブマイカー #film #thefuture #thepast #thepresent #characters #quietjourney
in the old world of total normalcy i know i would’ve gone watching this the day it came out but i didn’t, until last night…
finally finished watching the remaining final episodes of #graceandfrankie! seven years later (and the one reason i got on and staying with #netflix!), it IS like bidding farewell to a group of people you'd believe you know well… #television #tv #homecinema #heimkino
#Heimkino #homecinema #tv #television #netflix #graceandfrankie
#Solar-#Heimkino klappt auch.
2h Film scheinen rund 30% Akku zu ziehen (Player + Projektor + Soundsystem + großer Ventilator).
Insgesamt hat sich das Panel auf dem Gartenhaus-Dach bewährt. Ich weiß nur nicht, ob so ein flacher Winkel (fast horizontal) als Dauerlösung taugt. Vorteil ist aber, dass fast den ganzen Tag Sonne eingefangen wird.
#solar #Heimkino #Photovolatik
Meine #Heimkino-#Fernbedienung bekommt statt GameBoy-ähnlichem Tastenfeld nun einen #eInk-#Touchscreen. Der macht die Bedienung deutlich angenehmer.
#Heimkino #Fernbedienung #eInk #Touchscreen
So, die Kommunikation mit dem #Makerfactory #M5Stack #Faces-Kit läuft endlich. Der Windows USB2Serial-Treiber ist irgendwie kaputt, unter Linux geht's.
Die Boards-Manager URL finde ich glaube ich nur begrenzt vertrauenswürdig:
Aber mal sehen, ob ich daraus nun eine sinnvolle #Fernbedienung für mein #Heimkino zusammenhacken kann... nachdem #Logitech keinen Bock mehr auf #Harmony hat, gibt es dafür kaum noch (bezahlbare) Fertiglösungen.
#Makerfactory #M5Stack #Faces #Fernbedienung #Heimkino #logitech #harmony
Als #Kunst-Installation naja... aber als #Surround-#Heimkino vielleicht gar nicht so schlecht...
Moderne #Heimkino-Technik ist wahrlich faszinierend. Ich muss kurz den Beamer einschalten um eine Audio-CD im #BluRay-Player abspielen zu können. Offenbar muss der Player und/oder AV-Receiver kurz einen (#HDCP?-)Handshake mit dem Beamer machen bevor der AV-Receiver den Sound wiedergeben darf. Danach kann der Beamer wieder aus (muss aber auf Stand-by bleiben).
Nun höre ich relativ selten Audio-CDs, sonst müsste ich wohl noch ein analoges Kabel vom Player zum AV-Receiver legen.