RT Violeta
#Solidarity is in the very core of 🇪🇺 & we should continue to develop it with a strong #EUCivilProtection mechanism.
I'm proud that 🇭🇷 is sending help to 🇬🇷 in these difficult moments.🔥💧🛩️
Solidarity! 🤗
Hang in there #Greece #Hellas
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European Economic and Social Committee: Forest fires are an increasing threat in the EU.
A stronger #EUCivilProtection Mechanism is needed.
We recommend:
🔸transnational teams for joint disaster management first response;
🔸immediate response to emergency situations with no prior request from EU countries.
More ↓
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jelic_Violeta/status/1683387974661070850
#solidarity #EUcivilprotection #Greece #Hellas
#Calcio #UltimeNotizie #baroni #hellas #verona UFFICIALE Marco Baroni è il nuovo allenatore dell’Hellas Verona https://www.cronachedellacampania.it/2023/07/baroni-verona/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#calcio #Ultimenotizie #baroni #Hellas #verona
RT @marianwendt: Intensive meeting with 🇬🇷 minister for Social&Labour @K_Hatzidakis. Die unemployment rate is decreasing and the wages are still increasing in #hellas. Good job! #yiasasadenauer
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/K_Hatzidakis/status/1638167951516868610
Heute wieder ein neuer Beitrag in ReiseFreak's #ReiseMagazin und #ReiseBlog
Griechenland / Korfu: Die grüne Insel der Griechen
Korfu ist eine Insel in der Ionischen See und ein beliebtes Reiseziel in Griechenland. Die Insel ist bekannt für ihre kosmopolitische Altstadt, spektakulären Sandstrände und wunderschöne Landschaften.
#ReiseNews #Corfu #Griechenland #Hellas #Korfu #Unesco #Weltkulturerbe
#weltkulturerbe #unesco #korfu #Hellas #griechenland #corfu #ReiseNews #reiseblog #Reisemagazin
Πολλά συγχαρητήρια Λευτέρη! 👏👏
RT @Petrounias_E: The work is done ✔️ !
1η θέση και προχωράμε δυνατά !
#1stplace #worldcup2023 #turnierdermeister #Hellas #petrounias
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1629775963042066433
#1stplace #worldcup2023 #turnierdermeister #Hellas #petrounias
Astonishing on the #ParthenonSculptures from UK Culture Secretary, even for this govt that reflexively reaches for unthinking r culture-war and little-englander tropes.
"We must defend our culture."
Er, this is the fundamental point: they are not OUR culture.
#Hellas #greece #ukpolitics #history #archaeology #classics #ParthenonSculptures
Hellas Verona, ai dettagli per Kallon: la situazione #hellas #verona #dettagli #kallon #situazione #22agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9naWFubHVjYWRpbWFyemlvLmNvbS9pdC9jYWxjaW9tZXJjYXRvLXZlcm9uYS1rYWxsb24tMjItYWdvc3RvLTIwMjI=
#22agosto #situazione #kallon #dettagli #verona #Hellas
#Verona #Veronetta #Antifa #Antifascismo #Antifascista #Fascismo #Neofascismo #CasaPound #BloccoStudentesco #Squadrismo #IlMastino #HellasVerona #Hellas #Napoli
#napoli #Hellas #hellasverona #IlMastino #squadrismo #bloccostudentesco #casapound #neofascismo #fascismo #antifascista #antifascismo #antifa #veronetta #verona
#neofascismo #fascismo #Hellas #hellasverona #napoli #casapound #veronetta #verona
Serie A. Hellas Verona-Napoli: le formazioni ufficiali - Italia24 #serie #hellas #verona-napoli #formazioni #ufficiali #italia24 #15agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9pdGFsaWEyNC5vcmcvc2VyaWUtYS1oZWxsYXMtdmVyb25hLW5hcG9saS1sZS1mb3JtYXppb25pLXVmZmljaWFsaS8=
#15agosto #italia24 #ufficiali #formazioni #verona #Hellas #serie
Hellas Verona: indizio di mercato, Simeone non convocato contro l`Hoffenheim #hellas #verona #indizio #mercato #simeone #convocato #lhoffenheim #23luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FsY2lvbmFwb2xpMjQuaXQvc2VyaWVfYS9oZWxsYXMtdmVyb25hLWluZGl6aW8tZGktbWVyY2F0by1zaW1lb25lLW5vbi1jb252b2NhdG8tY29udHJvLWwtaG9mZmVuaGVpbS1uNTI1OTUwLmh0bWw=
#23luglio #lhoffenheim #convocato #simeone #mercato #indizio #verona #Hellas
Σήμερα γιορτάζουμε την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Μνημείων & Τοποθεσιών. Η προστασία της Πολιτιστικής μας Κληρονομιάς είναι ελάχιστο καθήκον όλων μας. Ο πολιτισμός μας είναι οι ρίζες μας. #Hellas 🇬🇷 #WorldHeritageDay #AnnaMichelleMEP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnnaAsimakopoul/status/1515929017681125379
#Hellas #WorldHeritageDay #AnnaMichelleMEP
Se volete denazificare qualcosa, denazificate #Verona.
#HellasVerona #Hellas
Greece will be open to all vaccinated travelers
#greece #hellas #Athens #Mykonos #Santorini #COVID19
#COVID19 #santorini #mykonos #athens #Hellas #Greece
#thessaloniki #greece #athens #greek #unesco #visitgreece #thessalonikimou #salonica #chalkidiki #mykonos #hellas #salonika
#salonika #Hellas #mykonos #chalkidiki #salonica #thessalonikimou #VisitGreece #unesco #greek #athens #Greece #thessaloniki
#athens #greece #travel #athensgreece #greek #summer #love #ig #photography #acropolis #athensvoice #thessaloniki #visitgreece #photooftheday #city #art #athensvibe #instagood #mykonos #fashion #santorini #gr #music #picoftheday #europe #travelphotography #hellas #like #food #bhfyp #COVID19
#COVID19 #bhfyp #Food #like #Hellas #travelphotography #Europe #picoftheday #Music #gr #santorini #fashion #mykonos #instagood #athensvibe #Art #city #photooftheday #VisitGreece #thessaloniki #athensvoice #Acropolis #Photography #ig #love #Summer #greek #athensgreece #Travel #Greece #athens
#athens #greece #travel #athensgreece #greek #summer #love #ig #photography #acropolis #athensvoice #thessaloniki #visitgreece #photooftheday #city #art #athensvibe #instagood #mykonos #fashion #santorini #gr #music #picoftheday #europe #travelphotography #hellas #like #food #bhfyp
#bhfyp #Food #like #Hellas #travelphotography #Europe #picoftheday #Music #gr #santorini #fashion #mykonos #instagood #athensvibe #Art #city #photooftheday #VisitGreece #thessaloniki #athensvoice #Acropolis #Photography #ig #love #Summer #greek #athensgreece #Travel #Greece #athens
#Doukato #lighthouse #Ionian #holidaygr #Greece #travel #athens #greek #visitgreece #sea #greekislands #Athens #Visokos #Hellas #cyclades #mykonos #thessaloniki #greecestagram #grecia
#grecia #greecestagram #thessaloniki #mykonos #cyclades #Hellas #Visokos #greekislands #sea #VisitGreece #greek #athens #Travel #Greece #holidaygr #ionian #lighthouse #Doukato
#greece #travel #athens #kalouta #greek #visitgreece #sea #greekislands #Athens #UNESCO #Visokos #Hellas #Chios #neamoni #monastery #greece #cyclades #mykonos #thessaloniki #greecestagram #grecia
#grecia #greecestagram #thessaloniki #mykonos #cyclades #Monastery #neamoni #chios #Hellas #Visokos #unesco #greekislands #sea #VisitGreece #greek #kalouta #athens #Travel #Greece