I have several hellebores in my garden. They provide some early color to the spring garden. Not all have blossomed but here is a collection of some.
#garden #Gardening #Massachusetts #hellebore #Helleborus
#Helleborus #hellebore #Massachusetts #Gardening #garden
Early bloomers #flowerFriday #flowers #flower #photography #crocus #hellebores #Helleborus #spring #pnw #pdx
#pdx #pnw #spring #Helleborus #hellebores #crocus #photography #flower #flowers #FlowerFriday
#helleborus still looking good in my garden today - green
#helleborus_argutifolius and a white #helleborus_orientalis seedling
#Helleborus #helleborus_argutifolius #helleborus_orientalis
#helleborus still looking good in my garden today - green
#helleborus_argutifolius and a white #helleborus_orientalis seedling
#Helleborus #helleborus_argutifolius #helleborus_orientalis
Auch eine Helleborus foetidus – Stinkende Nieswurz, Palmblatt-Schneerose
Die anderen beiden Bilder - Verfärbung wahrscheinlich durch Kreuzungen mit der rot blühenden Art.
#Schneerose #Helleborus
#Natur #Garten #Frühling #garden #spring #Photography #Nature #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #Nature #Photography #Spring #garden #fruhling #garten #Natur #Helleborus #schneerose
Bienen bereits unterwegs!
#Schneerose #Helleborus
#Natur #Garten #Frühling #garden #spring #Photography #Nature #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #Nature #Photography #Spring #garden #fruhling #garten #Natur #Helleborus #schneerose
Winter #honeysuckle in Bressingham Gardens, #loniceraPurpusii Winter Beauty: smells like paradise
#floweraday #Gardening #MyGarden #winter #winterGarden #flowershot #helleborus
@plants #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#FlowersOfMastodon #Flowers #Helleborus #flowershot #WinterGarden #Winter #mygarden #Gardening #floweraday #lonicerapurpusii #Honeysuckle
Another of the glorious #hellebores in bloom right now: this one's almost pure white.
#floweraday #Gardening #MyGarden #hellebore #winter #winterGarden #flowershot #helleborus
@plants #flowers #FlowersOfMastodon
#FlowersOfMastodon #Flowers #Helleborus #flowershot #WinterGarden #Winter #hellebore #mygarden #Gardening #floweraday #hellebores
Kleiner Gartentipp:
Vielerorts blühen jetzt die #Christrosen. Eigentlich. Denn in den meisten Gärten gehen die hübschen rötlichen oder weissen Blüten in den vielen, sehr viel grösseren Blättern der Pflanze unter. Schneidet die Blätter jetzt weg. Kleine Massnahme mit grosser Wirkung. Denn die Blätter werden jetzt ohnehin braun, der Pflanze schadets nicht, dafür kommen die Blüten aber umso schöner zur Geltung.
#plantsofmastodon #februar #garten #Helleborus #Christrosen
Lovely pink #hellebore that's always the first to open in our garden.
#Helleborus #hellebores #plants #gardening #MyGarden #WinterGarden #FlowersOfMastodon @plants
#FlowersOfMastodon #WinterGarden #mygarden #Gardening #Plants #hellebores #Helleborus #hellebore
Lenten roses start blooming this month and continue through April depending on the variety. Here's my absolute favorite series: Helleborus x hybridus Frostkiss™ because of the stunning leather-like foliage which lasts all winter long. The blooms arrive in March with the spring bulbs. Hellebores are deer proof, evergreen, and tolerate LOTS of shade. @plants
#gardening #GardeningMastodon #LentenRoses #Hellebores #Helleborus #HelleborusXHybridusFrostkiss #botany #horticulture #plants #gardendesign
#gardening #GardeningMastodon #lentenroses #hellebores #Helleborus #helleborusxhybridusfrostkiss #botany #horticulture #plants #gardendesign