Gnocchi-Salat von #HelloFresh
Ja, ich bin seit über 60 Kochboxen begeistert. Vor allem von den "Unter 650 Kalorien" Gerichten.
Das war wieder ein sehr gutes Mittagessen.
.oO(Sollte ich in Zukunft auch Einladungscodes posten?)
It was pretty good! Made it with a #HelloFresh kit. It came with some ciabatta toast but I had a little bit of my homemade flatbread as well (actually really tasty toasted with some olive oil and s&p.) kind of wish we had had some crema or s/t to drizzle over cause after three days of a liquid diet my stummy is a little sensitive. Anyway! Still good and my bf wants me to make it again so I will :) the veggies came out really tender and flavorful so I am happy. :BlobCat_uwu:
Long story short, I had a code for a free #HelloFresh box which I gave to my mother.
She is NOT internet or smartphone savvy and there was a whole drama last week with her attempt to use the code.
Anyway, today not one, but TWO boxes arrive (I have no idea). And this was the message I got sent.
Maybe they thought she sounded stressed and needed some Vit C? 😂
i know Danish onions tend to be small, but this is getting ridiculous! i feel like once i’ve peeled it there will be nothing left! 😅 #HelloFresh
Auch das noch! Unsere letzten Frontberichte für 2022 sind da. Es geht um #UnionBusting bei #Flaschenpost Dr. #Oetker #Twitter Motor #Nützel und #hellofresh
Seid solidarisch, informiert Freund*innen und Kolleg*innen, werdet Mitglied und macht unserer Berichte möglich!
#unionbusting #flaschenpost #oetker #twitter #nutzel #HelloFresh
Chi usa #hellofresh?
Come vi trovate?
Come sono le #cookingbox?
Gli ingredienti sono freschi?
#HelloFresh is anti-union and all their recipes are on their website. The choice is clear.
Betriebsratswahlen bei #Hellofresh: Berliner Arbeitsgericht setzt einen Wahlvorstand für Kochbox-Versand ein.
OMG no end to #animalabuse. Just heard that some companies in Thailand continually beat & abuse monkeys to collect coconuts for their coconut milk production. Apparently #hellofresh subscribers would have no idea their deliveries contain this product!! #unbelievable
#AnimalAbuse #HelloFresh #unbelievable
Apparently #HelloFresh forgot the part where you have to cook the food they send.
Got this as I had two different pans going on the stove, a full chopping board and two other bowls.
Skip the dishes???
So what's the ecological over-under on those meal kits? Like #HelloFresh and them?
I kinda feel like having all these individually plastic-wrapped ingredients delivered is kinda wild, but also maybe overall people who use them throw out less food, and it's an ecological wash?