Re @JuliaC_Fern @EPPGroup My favourite idea for restoration of nature in our wonderful city #Helsinki is to free land from asphalt.
Re @mmarkkula president of #Helsinki Region announced the Local and Regional Digital Assessment Tool - #LORDIMAS - it will give awareness to #cities, access to best practices and facilitate tailored #policy recommendations.
#BUS2023 @EU_CoR #MayorsDigitalAssembly @living_eu
#Helsinki #LORDIMAS #cities #policy #BUS2023 #MayorsDigitalAssembly
RT @McFaul: In #Helsinki today, @SecBlinken reminded the world that the Bidne team did everything they could to press for negotiations with Putin and avoid war. Putin ignored their overtures and invaded anyway. 1/ THREAD
RT @McFaul: .@SecBlinken delivered an important speech today in #Helsinki about European security. Read every word of it. After his May 22, 2022 speech on China, this maybe be his second most strategic speech of his time in office as Secretary of State.
RT @WCEF2023: #WCEF2023 spreads across #Helsinki today and tomorrow when 40+ partner-led Accelerator Sessions will take place!🤩
They bridge the Forum’s themes with the daily work needed for a #circular transition.
So far, #Finland has not been directly affected by the consequences of rising sea levels
However, a recent study revealed that in the coming years, southern 🇫🇮 regions will be vulnerable to flooding, erosion etc.
⬇️#Helsinki in a recent #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️ image
#ImageOfTheDay #Finland #Helsinki #Sentinel2
Yellow Shutters, #Soumenlinna, #Finland
The old fort in #Helsinki harbor has been preserved to maintain the look of 19th century Russian occupation. It's a short ferry ride from old Helsinki and a popular destination for families to visit.
///raves.upon.deflect [what3words]
#Photography #Picture #OAA #AYearForArt #MastoArt #ArchitecturalPhotography #Cityscape
#NightPhotography #StreetPhotography #Window #WindowsOfMastodon
#TravelPhotography #Travel #WellTravelled
#OATtravel #OverseasAdventureTravel #CanonG5X #WindowFriday #Freitagfenster #Friday
#soumenlinna #finland #Helsinki #photography #picture #oaa #ayearforart #mastoart #architecturalphotography #cityscape #nightphotography #streetphotography #window #windowsofmastodon #travelphotography #travel #welltravelled #oattravel #overseasadventuretravel #canong5x #WindowFriday #freitagfenster #friday
RT @helsinki: Sijoituimme 3:nneksi EU-kaupunkien yhdenvertaisuuskilpailussa! 🥳 Saimme kiitosta mm. vahvoista rakenteista ja linjauksista #yhdenvertaisuus ja #tasa-arvo edistämiseksi. Palkinnon Brysselissä vastaanotti kansliapäällikkö Sami Sarvilinna.
@EU_Justice #Helsinki #DiversityCapitals
#yhdenvertaisuus #tasa #Helsinki #DiversityCapitals
RT @KnuuttilaS: Aikaisemmin en ole avomerellä törmännyt sellaiseen #muoviroska'n määrään kuin tänä aamuna 15 km #Helsinki'stä etelään. Keräsin jätelautan roinaa puolessa tunnissa jätesäkillisen. Pakkaustekstit osoittivat alkuperäksi itänaapurin ja kv. meriliikenteen. #MarineLitter #BalticSea
#muoviroska #Helsinki #marinelitter #BalticSea
RT @i_ameztoy: Cities | Last seasonal frozen waters in the surroundings of #Helsinki 🟦⬜️ 2023-04-07 🏙️🌆 Beautiful false color composite acquired by @CopernicusEU #Sentinel2 🛰️ satellite showing the capital and most populous city of #Finland 😍
Full Size: 🧐 #EO
#Helsinki #Sentinel2 #Finland #EO
🇩🇪|Onnittelut! In #Finnland wählt konservativ. Der Machtwechsel in #Helsinki ist mit ein Beweis, dass sozialistische Tagträumerei bei immer mehr Menschen immer weniger anschlussfähig wird. Gut so! #ID
🇬🇧|Onnittelut! In #Finland votes conservative. The change of power in #Helsinki is one of the proofs that socialist daydreaming is becoming less and less connectable with more and more people. That's a good thing! #ID
Ympäristön, kansanterveyden ja elintarvikkeiden turvallisuuden valiokunnan (ENVI) meppivaltuuskunta vierailee Helsingissä Euroopan kemikaalivirastolla.
RT @EU_ECHA: Welcome #MEPs @martinhojsik , @cesarluena , and @MariaSpyraki to #ECHA! 🌞Sunny (but still not warm🥶) #Helsinki also welcomes you!
Welcome #MEPs @martinhojsik , @cesarluena , and @MariaSpyraki to #ECHA! 🌞Sunny (but still not warm🥶) #Helsinki also welcomes you!
#PRI successfully widened traditional regional innovation systems bringing together new actors of innovation.
Regions are proactively launching regional innovation valleys in particular #Helsinki & #CastillaYLeon
@GabrielMariya @EU_CoR @EU_Commission #Partnership4Innovation
RT @GabrielMariya: From #smartspecialisation to #Partnerships4Innovation to Regional Innovation Valleys⤵️
Innovation experts & 🇪🇺regional leaders today discuss how to shape the journey, co…
#PRI #Helsinki #CastillayLeon #Partnership4Innovation #SmartSpecialisation #Partnerships4Innovation
Finnische Küche entdecken: 12 Gastro-Tipps und Adressen in Helsinki. Der Food Guide für Finnlands Hauptstadt, neu im Blog: #myhelsinki #helsinki #helsinkipartners #representsustainably fotografie #photography #food #reiseblog #travelblog
#myhelsinki #Helsinki #helsinkipartners #representsustainably #photography #food #reiseblog #travelblog
RT @mcuip: A #Helsinki 🇫🇮 pour les journées du @EPPGroup & @EPP_CoR
Au cœur des travaux : consolider nos valeurs & mieux répondre aux nouveaux enjeux : écologie de progrès, youth empowerment, égalité 🚺🚹
Ravi de retrouver @fxbellamy & @hug_huet 🇫🇷🇪🇺
#Helsinki #MakeEPPgreatAgain #EPPLocalDialogue
Today & tomorrow I am in #Helsinki for the @EPP Political Assembly.
Finland wants and deserves to join NATO. We will all be safer with Finland and Sweden as NATO members.
This is why #Hungary & #Turkey must ratify the accession of #Finland & #Sweden to #NATO as soon as possible.
#Helsinki #hungary #Turkey #Finland #Sweden #nato
.@robbiewilliams and #Tampere here we come! Let you entertaine us. Gonna be as great as #Helsinki in 2003. 💪