π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Henri Dutilleux, Akiko Suwanai, BBC Symphony Orchestra & Lionel Bringuier:
π΅ Concerto (L'Arbre des songes) for violin and orchestra
#HenriDutilleux #AkikoSuwanai #BBCSymphonyOrchestra #LionelBringuier
#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #HenriDutilleux #AkikoSuwanai #BBCSymphonyOrchestra #LionelBringuier
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Henri Dutilleux, Elizabeth Atherton, BBC Philharmonic & Ludovic Morlot:
π΅ Le Temps l'horloge
#HenriDutilleux #ElizabethAtherton #BBCPhilharmonic #LudovicMorlot
#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #HenriDutilleux #elizabethatherton #BBCPhilharmonic #LudovicMorlot
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Henri Dutilleux, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin & Lionel Bringuier:
π΅ MΓ©taboles
#HenriDutilleux #DeutschesSymphonieOrchesterBerlin #LionelBringuier
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #HenriDutilleux #DeutschesSymphonieOrchesterBerlin #LionelBringuier
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #WordsAndMusic
Henri Dutilleux, Seattle Symphony & Ludovic Morlot:
π΅ Symphony no.2
#nowplaying #WordsAndMusic #HenriDutilleux #SeattleSymphony #LudovicMorlot
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InsideMusic
Henri Dutilleux, Boston Symphony Orchestra & Seiji Ozawa:
π΅ The Shadows of Time (I. Les Heures)
#HenriDutilleux #BostonSymphonyOrchestra #SeijiOzawa
#nowplaying #InsideMusic #HenriDutilleux #BostonSymphonyOrchestra #SeijiOzawa #BBC3MusicBot
π #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SundayMorning
Henri Dutilleux, Seattle Symphony, Seattle Symphony & Ludovic Morlot:
π΅ Symphony No 2, 'Le double' (III. Allegro fuocoso - Calmato)
#nowplaying #sundaymorning #HenriDutilleux #SeattleSymphony