#UN #IPCC we will not move quickly enough on climate change, especially in the developed world, while we run a fiscal system that forces ever more production and rewards ever more profligacy of the planet.
Make the switch now to #HenryGeorge's #SingleTax on land to change all that.
#un #ipcc #HenryGeorge #SingleTax
From Gertrude Stein’s _Everybody’s Autobiography_. David Bacharach was Stein’s uncle by marriage.
“I was much pleased on receiving a letter from some one just yesterday about my writing in the Saturday Evening Post about money and they said it would be different if I knew about Henry George. I knew about Henry George. David Bacharach knew all about Henry George every day and any day.”
To grow Erie, cut taxes on homes and jobs, hike taxes on land instead #LandValueTax #LVT #Erie #Pennsylvania #PA #HenryGeorge
#landvaluetax #lvt #Erie #pennsylvania #pa #HenryGeorge
“The Enduring Land Question” #HenryGeorge #land #labor #wealth #socialism #Georgism
#HenryGeorge #land #labor #wealth #socialism #georgism
#Georgism #LandValueTax #LVT #HenryGeorge
Quote from Progress and Poverty https://www.reddit.com/r/georgism/comments/zml179/quote_from_progress_and_poverty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
#georgism #landvaluetax #LVT #HenryGeorge
Collect. Economic. Rent.
All. Economic. Rent.
Only. Economic. Rent.
Supercharge the productive economy.
Value our planet and state granted privileges.
Make poverty history.
#HenryGeorge #SingleTax #makepovertyhistory
Tax. Economic. Rent.
All. Economic. Rent.
Only. Economic. Rent.
Supercharge the productive economy.
Value our planet and state granted privileges.
Make poverty history.
#HenryGeorge #SingleTax #makepovertyhistory
We'll be able to tell AI produced economics papers because they will start mentioning #LandValueTax #HenryGeorge and #EconomicJustice so often.
The clue is in the name A *Intelligence*.
#landvaluetax #HenryGeorge #economicjustice
We'll be able to tell AI produced economics papers because they will start mentioning #LanValueTax #HenryGeorge and #EconomicJustice so often.
The clue is in the name A *Intelligence*.
#lanvaluetax #HenryGeorge #economicjustice
Lars Doucet discusses his new book “Land Is A Big Deal” https://youtu.be/buqdCpS5MAk #Georgism #LandValueTax #LVT #HenryGeorge
#georgism #landvaluetax #LVT #HenryGeorge
Lars Doucet discusses his new book “Land Is A Big Deal” https://youtu.be/buqdCpS5MAk #Georgism #LandValueTax #LVT #HenryGeorge
#georgism #landvaluetax #LVT #HenryGeorge
Those who call for a #UBI or equivalent are, rightly, pointing out that we have a fundamental problem in the distribution of economic wellbeing.
But rather than fixing the problem they are hoping, contra centuries of evidence, that an all-beneficent #monopoly #state, vulnerable to a bunch of crosses on ballots every few years, can promise to paper over the problems with cash.
#ubi #monopoly #state #abolishtaxes #sharetherents #makepovertyhistory #HenryGeorge
“The equal right of all men to the use of land is as clear as their equal right to breathe the air — it is a right proclaimed by the fact of their existence. For we cannot suppose that some men have a right to be in this world, and others no right.” Henry George #Georgism #LandValueTax #LVT #HenryGeorge
#georgism #landvaluetax #LVT #HenryGeorge
From Protection or Free Trade; Chapter 28: Free Trade & Socialism https://www.reddit.com/r/georgism/comments/ywl699/from_protection_or_free_trade_chapter_28_free/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
#introduction degree level economist, only on periphery of academia developing/supporting #VLE #moodle in Oxford, UK.
Love to be an academic economist and get the kudos of obscure chat shows calling up for an opinion, because there aren't enough Georgists or anarchists ever get asked 😜
But too advanced in career to make up my pension again if I switch now to academia!
So, any #Georgist, any #anarchist, do say hello!
#LVT #landvaluetax #anarchism #HenryGeorge #SingleTax #economicjustice
#introduction #VLE #moodle #Georgist #Anarchist #LVT #landvaluetax #anarchism #HenryGeorge #SingleTax #economicjustice
Anyone with valid arguments against #georgism out there?
Hashtags so people may find: #landvaluetax #singletax #abolishincometax #lvs #henrygeorge
RT @deval_m
So many people agree with georgism that it's uncanny- very... In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a single person argue against georgism...
#georgism #landvaluetax #singletax #abolishincometax #LVS #HenryGeorge
This is why its for the best that a transition is made toward #LandTax based on Rental Value. Less beaurocracy, less grifty gaming, less #taxEvasion, less ridiculousness generally.
@WoodshopHandman@poa.st @sapphire
#LandTax #taxevasion #HenryGeorge #geoism
So, far from a mad-max style world we think a consumption and #HenryGeorge-style #landTax are both integral moving forward in a Bitcoin future.
In fact Bitcoin *forces* such a future.
Again, show us any wealthy #landHolder who will enjoying paying more for at consumption time, and more the more land they own.
Its our job to make this work.
We are at the crossroads, its automated #neoFeudalism, via #CentralBankDigitalCurrencies or we stop their kleptocracy.
We are losing.
#HenryGeorge #LandTax #landHolder #neofeudalism #CentralBankDigitalCurrencies
Fair enough.
We see reports like this all the time and they always seem to elevate the flawed #profitLoss based #taxation methodology and decry greater #enforcement, which won't work. The #kleptocrats know how to engineer losses.
Following on from #HenryGeorge and his book #ProgressAndPoverty, the best way forward is still a Progressive Land Tax on Improved (Rental) Value.
#profitLoss #taxation #enforcement #kleptocrats #HenryGeorge #ProgressAndPoverty
Pokemon Progress and Poverty
#pokemon #ProgressAndPoverty #HenryGeorge