There are at ≥7 anagram generators which generate BOOTS (among other anagrams) from BONNETSHOODS.
BONNETSHOODS can be entered in URL:
BONNETSHOODS has to be entered in form (select "words" if asked):
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #LewisCarroll #HenryHoliday #SnarkHuntingParty #anagram #AnagramGenerator #portmanteau
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #snarkhuntingparty #anagram #anagramgenerator #portmanteau
Preparatory sketch by Henry Holiday for an illustration to Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark".
There seems to be a pictorial reference to the Sphinxes' breast in the sketch.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #LewisCarroll #EdwardVI #HenryVIII #Ahasuerus #sphinx #breasts #Bedpost #TheKingsBedpost #Allusion #PictorialAllusion #PictorialReference #Reformation
More: (or
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #edwardvi #henryviii #ahasuerus #sphinx #breasts #bedpost #thekingsbedpost #allusion #pictorialallusion #pictorialreference #reformation
※ The "#Bellman" from the front cover of #HenryHoliday's illustration to #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
※ #FatherTime from an English School painting (by an unknown artist, ca. 1610) of "Queen Elizabeth I at old age".
+++ +++
#スナーク | #スナーク狩り | #Snark | #Snarkology | #Victodon | #Victodons | #VictorianLit | #VictorianLiterature | #VictorianStudies | #Literature #Litstudies | #EnglishLit | #EnglishLiterature | #BritishLiterature | #BookIllustration
#bellman #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #fathertime #スナーク #スナーク狩り #snark #Snarkology #Victodon #victodons #VictorianLit #victorianliterature #VictorianStudies #literature #litstudies #EnglishLit #englishliterature #britishliterature #bookillustration
@frankendodo, you know this trophy from my Snark hunt ( already.
Left: Segment from a photographic self portrait (May 1875) by #CharlesLutwidgeDodgson (aka #LewisCarroll) in his forties, displayed in mirror view. (Credits for the photo: Watts Gallery, Compton, Guildford)
Center: Blurred rendering of the segment on the right side.
Right: Illustration by #HenryHoliday to the chapter "The Beaver’s Lesson" in #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
#CharlesLutwidgeDodgson #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark
For a special limited edition of "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark#", #IanMortimer was commissioned by Macmillan Publishers to print #HenryHoliday's illustration to #LewisCarroll's tragicomedy from the original wood-engraved blocks. The Holiday illustrations in all nineteenth-century editions were printed from #electrotypes (
See also:
Image: Segment from screenshot of Ian Mortimer's
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #ianmortimer #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #electrotypes
Comparison (made in 2009) posted on Flickr in 2010. (Segment from screenshot from
※ Left: The "Banker" after his encounter with the "#Bandersnatch", depicted in #HenryHoliday’s illustration (woodcut by #JosephSwain) to the chapter "The Banker’s Fate" in #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
※ Right: A slightly horizontally compressed rendering of "The #Imagebreakers" (1566-1568), an etching by #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder.
#bandersnatch #HenryHoliday #JosephSwain #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #imagebreakers #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder
Comparison posted on Flickr in 2014. (Segment from screenshot from
On the left side you see a detail from an illustration by #HenryHoliday to #LewisCarroll’s tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark". I marked four possible references by Henry Holiday to a painting by #WilliamSidneyMount.
On the right side you see William Sidney Mount’s painting "The #BonePlayer" (1856) in mirror view.
Explanation in my blog (2017):
#HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #williamsidneymount #boneplayer
@MatthiasGrunewald --- is about one of several #PictorialReferences (from an illustration to #LewisCarroll's "#TheHuntingOftheSnark") by #HenryHoliday to #MatthiasGrünewald's paintings ( in the #MuseéUnterlinden in #Colmar, France.
#TemptationOfStAnthony #BookIllustration #Allusions #PictorialReferences #PictorialAllusions
#PictorialReferences #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #matthiasgrunewald #MuseeUnterlinden #colmar #IsenheimAltarPiece #TemptationOfStAnthony #bookillustration #allusions #pictorialallusions
You perhaps already saw the Baker's uncle (or a relative?) from #LewisCarroll and #HenryHoliday's tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" in a movie. The copyright of Henry Holiday's creation has expired.
Firefox theme:
#lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark
"Nose is a Nose is a Nose", LCSNA Knight Letter ( № 99, Fall 2017, p. 30~31
※ Article:
※ PDF with additional images:
※ Related blog page:
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #MarcusGheeraerts #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #theimagebreakers #iconoclasm #noses #nose #williamsidneymount #boneplayer #benjaminduchenne #charlesdarwin #theexpressionofemotions
Footnotes on page 199 in chapter 7 of #MarysaDemoor‘s book "A Cross-Cultural History of Britain and Belgium, 1815-1918: Mudscapes and Artistic Entanglements", Springer Nature / Palgrave, 2022-03-21.
Why didn't Marysa Demoor specify her source? It's my article “Nose is a Nose is a Nose” in the “#KnightLetter”, № 99, Fall 2017, p. 30~31.
#MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #WilliamSidneyMount #BenjaminDuchenne
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #marysademoor #KnightLetter #HenryHoliday #williamsidneymount #benjaminduchenne #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder
There are letter-like patterns in #HenryHoliday's back cover illustration to #LewisCarroll's tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" ( Is this #asemic art? Or are these just some lines used by Henry Holiday to draw the foam on the waves?
#HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #asemic #bookillustration
There are letter-like patterns in #HenryHoliday's back cover illustration to #LewisCarroll's tragicomedy "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" ( Is this #asemic art? Or are these just some lines used by Henry Holiday to draw waves?
#HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #asemic #bookillustration
※ Left: The "Banker" after his encounter with the "#Bandersnatch", depicted in #HenryHoliday’s illustration (#woodcut by #JosephSwain) to the chapter "The Banker’s Fate" in #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
※ Right: A slightly horizontally compressed rendering of "The #Imagebreakers" (1566-1568), an etching by #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder.
#bandersnatch #HenryHoliday #woodcut #JosephSwain #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #imagebreakers #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #nose #noses
@baragesi -- I became aware of the Dodgson debate when analyzing Henry Holiday's illustrations to what is (in my view) #LewisCarroll and #HenryHoliday's masterpiece: the tragicomedy "The Hunting of the Snark" ( Serious contribution to the Dodgson debate are very rare. I recommend Katherine Wakely-Mulroney's "The Man Who Loved Children: Lewis Carroll Studies’ Evidence Problem" (Journal of the History of Sexuality, Univ. of Texas Press, Vol. 30, № 3., Sept. 2021).
Top: #MatthiasGrünewald: "Visit of #SaintAnthony to #SaintPaul", retinex filtered and color desaturated detail from a panel of the #IsenheimAltarpiece (1512–1516).
Bottom: Illustration by #HenryHoliday to the chapter "The Beaver’s Lesson" in #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
#kitten #kittens #cat #cats #pareidolia #MatthiasGruenewald #CatsOfMastodon
#matthiasgrunewald #saintanthony #saintpaul #IsenheimAltarPiece #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #kitten #kittens #cat #cats #pareidolia #MatthiasGruenewald #catsofmastodon
This is about one of several #PictorialReferences (from an illustration to #LewisCarroll's "#TheHuntingOftheSnark") by #HenryHoliday to #MatthiasGrünewald's paintings ( in the #MuseéUnterlinden in #Colmar, France.
#TemptationOfStAnthony #BookIllustration #Allusions #PictorialReferences #PictorialAllusions
#PictorialReferences #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #HenryHoliday #matthiasgrunewald #MuseeUnterlinden #colmar #IsenheimAltarPiece #TemptationOfStAnthony #bookillustration #allusions #pictorialallusions
@snark @destandaard -- My blog post (2017) is about my comparisons between #HenryHoliday's illustration to the chapter "The Banker's Fate" in #LewisCaroll's #TheHuntingOfTheSnark and the "Image Breakers" by #MarcusGheeraertsThe Elder.
2011 Version:
#HenryHoliday #lewiscaroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #marcusgheeraertsthe
The first printing of my own comparison between an illustration by #HenryHoliday to #LewisCaroll's #TheHuntingOfTheSnark and the "Image Breakers" by #MarcusGheeraertsThe Elder occurred in 2017.
DeMoor perhaps found it in But she didn't specify any source.
Below are the images which Prof. #MarysaDemoor is using in her book "A Cross-Cultural History of Britain and Belgium, 1815-1918: Mudscapes and Artistic Entanglements" (2022) in her comparison
#marysademoor #HenryHoliday #lewiscaroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #marcusgheeraertsthe
@snark -- Henry Holiday’s references to Gheeraerts are also mentioned (without specifying a source) in Marysa Demoor’s article "Een culturele brexit? Grotesk!" (2022-05-07, in the Belgian "De Standaard" ( and
#MarysaDemoor #DeStandaard #HenryHoliday #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder
#marysademoor #destandaard #HenryHoliday #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder