W Polsce, w porównaniu do innych krajów #UE nadal za późno wykrywa się raka piersi! A każda kobieta w UE powinna mieć identyczną szanse na szybką diagnozę i skuteczne leczenie!
#PinkOctober #HerFightIsMyFight #BreastCancer @RenewEurope @PL_2050
RT @RenewEurope: 1 in 7 women in 🇪🇺 develop #BreastCancer.
Early detection is key to improve survival rates, but access to screening still depends on the country you live in.
During #PinkOct…
#UE #PinkOctober #HerFightIsMyFight #breastcancer #PinkOct
RT @RenewEurope: 1 in 7 women in 🇪🇺 develop #BreastCancer.
Early detection is key to improve survival rates, but access to screening still depends on the country you live in.
During #PinkOctober, we call for better breast cancer screening everywhere in Europe, because #HerFightIsMyFight 🎀
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IzaskunBilbaoB/status/1576281746433200129
#breastcancer #PinkOctober #HerFightIsMyFight