Now, imagine a #cyclist with the speed of #Hermes and the strength of #Heracles who can go as fast as possible but within the confines of what we know about the real world. If the above still holds, about the #tyres of the bike, then, in the limit, the top of the wheel can go no faster than the speed of light, c, and the mass of that bit of the wheel increases without bound. Does that mean that the bike itself cannot exceed c/2?
#cyclist #hermes #Heracles #tyres #bikiking #physics
Mijn club Heracles volgend seizoen weer eredivisionist 💪💪.
#Heracles #promotie #eersteDivisie #eredivisie #almelo #twente #tubantia
#tubantia #twente #Almelo #eredivisie #eerstedivisie #promotie #Heracles
Daily Sketch Challenge 17/04/23: Hercules, as imagined by Jack Kirby.
God, my gesture drawing sucks today. What's Herc even doing here? Dancing like a robot? Ugh...
#dailysketchchallenge #hercules #marvel #heracles #superhero
#dailysketchchallenge #hercules #Marvel #Heracles #superhero
Today's Flickr photo with the most hits: this dedicatory herm of Heracles, from Messini, on the Peloponnese. It's housed in the archaeological museum, on site.
#hercules #heracles #herm #sculpture #statue #messini #peloponnese #greece
#hercules #Heracles #herm #sculpture #statue #messini #peloponnese #greece
A sculpture of the god Hercules battling his rival Achelous, here transformed into a serpent. The story of #Achelous, in the form of a bull, battling with #Hercules for the hand of Deianeira, was told as early as the 7th century BC.
It's located in the Louvre museum in Paris. Achelous was a son of the Titans and was also said to be the father of the Sirens. The sculpture was made by François Joseph Bosio in 1824.
#Louvre #ancienthistory #histodons #ancientGreece #mythology #Heracles #Sophocles
#achelous #hercules #louvre #ancienthistory #histodons #ancientgreece #mythology #Heracles #sophocles
Vanavond maar weer eens een kijkje nemen bij #Heracles Almelo Futsal. Na promotie nu alweer een tweede plaats te pakken en vanavond gaan ze de strijd aan tegen nummer 3 Futsal Winsum
The statue of #Hercules in Ceuta, the small Spanish city in North Africa. The Monte Hacho mountain in Ceuta is considered to be one of two possible locations for the southern ancient pillar of Hercules. The northern pillar is #Gibraltar.
#hercules #gibraltar #Heracles