@orionkidder That's the point. One of the rules I set up for my MC in #HeraldPetrel is that the solution was not allowed to be based on violence, which meant the minor antagonist was not allowed to be defeated by weapons and not got rid of by the convenient accident many popular productions use so the hero doesn't need to live with the guilt of having killed the villain. It was quite an interesting challenge which will probably have consequences in future seasons.
@jfrcoates Awww, don't make me pick, I love them all!🥺
Okay, let's go with Commander Siff Braghor, as brought to life by Alj https://www.instagram.com/aljeensane/ here:
She's small but strong, smart, snarky, badass, not afraid of taking risks and putting her life on the line for her crew and the #HeraldPetrel.
Like with most of my characters, there is much more to her than meets the eye. Shadows from the past and a vulnerability you wouldn't expect if you only know her as a professional.
The Rebirth of the Dragon Child is celebrated throughout the whole universe, comparable to Christmas on Earth today.
There is a whole worldbuilding around it, but in #HeraldPetrel it is only mentioned in passing.
For a past #WritingWonders prompt I have written how it is celebrated in Charkovaya a year before the story takes place, when Galahad and Raffi were still working together in the company's headquarters.
#WritingWonders 16
I feel inclined to ask my editor how it is going and how they like #HeraldPetrel so far but 50% of me thinks that's pushy and has no style while 50% fears they don't like it and will say so. So, I am just 100% anxious wreck.😔
@hakirsch That's what I have been thinking and that's why the #HeraldPetrel doesn't have windows. You don't need a window to navigate, it is all done by the systems, sensors and cameras. But people get depressed if they can't look outside (ask me, I worked 20 years in a room without windows) and so, there are fake windows with imagitrec creating the illusion of that.
The disappointing answer to #WritingWonders Day 7 is:
The cabins on the #HeraldPetrel don't have windows. There are some that have the illusion of windows but it is just the imagitrec mimicking whatever makes you feel comfortable to see when looking out of a window: endless space, or a meadow with cows, or a busy street on Laharia.
They even experimented with modd sensors, but it didn't pan out as intended.🤷
Since I will be out tomorrow and probably the next days as well, I will at least do #WritingWonders Day 4 now.
Here you have most of the relevant side characters enjoying themselves - and being very much themselves - in the canteen of the #HeraldPetrel
Brought to life by the brilliant @fieryzard
(Well worth a follow, they have their own webcomic "The Thread of Caona" which is updated regularly https://mindly.social/@fieryzard@mastodon.art/110470341856896246)
More about who we see in the next toot.
@ixtli OMG, YESSS! Good pick! It is also on my "official" soundtrack of #HeraldPetrel for a similar reason.
Like Siff, Sinclair doesn't believe in love. I don't know if he is capable of loving somebody, let alone letting someone close. He was brought up with a strict moral code which only ever allows being together with someone from Porta and his own species. There is noone who fits the criteria on board of the #HeraldPetrel
If he ever falls in love, the guilt and shame ingrained since childhood will probably keep him from taking any steps towards a relationship.
#WritingWonders Day 31
@QuokkaMocha @DoctorMonkey2 @floofpaldi @doctorwanderer Not much. I have written a one shot about the #PennedPossibilities prompt on what the MC sees as #Strength, set in the days of the Spanish Civil War when Lix and Randall were war reporters.
Since I am stuck with the sequel of #HeraldPetrel and I kinda miss the regular publishing cycle, which could be the issue, I will enhance that one to a whole story and the question was if Monday or Sunday are better for updates.
#pennedpossibilities #strength #HeraldPetrel
OMG, yessss!!
"#HeraldPetrel after dark, in the kitchen, and places you haven't even heard about"
🤣 🤣 🤣
@strangeseawolf @floofpaldi @doctorwanderer @QuokkaMocha @justdan @EvelynCold You could alternate between Sunday and Monday depending how busy you are.
And yeah, can't wait for more #HeraldPetrel to discuss.
@DoctorMonkey2 @floofpaldi @doctorwanderer @QuokkaMocha @justdan @EvelynCold That's why I want to get back to it, really. I feel that I made more progress with #HeraldPetrel when I knew you were looking forward to what happened next. Ego boost and all that.😬 😂
Galahad is 47 when we first meet him on the #HeraldPetrel
If he wakes up and nothing hurts, he would take it as a sign he died without noticing it.😂
#WritingWonders Day 28
@roomey Oh, great, I will look into it!
Yeah, I had a group of devoted readers over at the other place, some of which made the hop to mastodon to stay up to date with #HeraldPetrel
To be honest, this is what kept me going and I feel once I am about 10-20 chapters into season 2 I will definitely do the same again.
As you say: I want to be read, it isn't about sales.
#WritingWonders Day 21
Ha! That's an easy one. For Galahad this will always be coffee, even if it isn't the best in the canteen of the #HeraldPetrel
Has to do with how water is recycled, there.
#WritingWonders Day 19
It's funny because it is part of Galahad's arc that started before the story even begins:
He was always someone who lived well in the status quo. He found his way and never thought much about the world he lived in. It changes gradually, especially with Raffi becoming his assistant and "adopting" him. She is very critical towards the status quo and a lot of things that happen in #HeraldPetrel change Galahad's way of thinking about the way the universe is organized.
#WritingWonders Day 17
"The last person I hugged will always be Raffi, of course. We hug a lot. We avoid it in public on the #HeraldPetrel because people will assume things about us which just aren't true. Sugar daddy and all that. But she's like a daughter to me and she deserves all the hugs because she is like she is. I like to show my affection with touches, so does she.
For the other part: I generally don't comment on kissing. You are only allowed to know that it is never Raffi."
@Emmacox Oh, I like that. Given how widespread endometriosis is, it is appalling it doesn't play a role more. Like with every other inhibition or simple dislike, it has to be addressed and found ways to make it work.
Don't get me started at the inhibitions my MCs in #HeraldPetrel have 😂, but by and large, I battle the misconception often conveyed in stories that trauma just isn't trauma anymore once you found the "right" one.
@crcollins @adaddinsane EXACTLY this! I do have a sex scene in #HeraldPetrel and it is much needed. I mean, really, really, really needed.😆
Those work well. But many books have sex scenes sprinkled throughout like superfluous commas and it bores me to death. (I guess it has to do with my demisexuality, though)