A weakened Facebook is only more dangerous: Facebook delenda est
A weak Facebook, or Google or Apple, or any other data monopolist all pose a risk regardless of whether you directly participate in them or not. You are in the data graph. Smug satisfaction at “they never had me as a user” utterly fails to ackowledge this point or risk. ...
You live in the world surveillance capitalism has created, and in the world in which its failing forms will continue to influence. This means that changes to the data regime are highly likely to have futher profound influences. ...
#Facebook #Risk #CatastrophicRisk #TechnicalDebt #Monopoly #SurveillanceCapitalism #BigData #HerberSimon #Census #Holocaust #Censorship #Manipulation #Propaganda #Coercion #FacebookDelandaEst
#facebook #risk #CatastrophicRisk #technicaldebt #monopoly #surveillancecapitalism #bigdata #HerberSimon #census #holocaust #censorship #manipulation #propaganda #coercion #FacebookDelandaEst