In #AHauntingInVenice ermittelt #KennethBranagh einmal mehr in der Rolle des Meisterdetektivs #HerculePoirot mit einem Star-Ensemble um #MichelleYeoh, #TinaFey, #KellyReilly und #JamieDornan an seiner Seite. Insbesondere für Genrefans ist das ein Fest. Unsere Kritik: @20thcentury@twitter
#jamiedornan #kellyreilly #TinaFey #MichelleYeoh #HerculePoirot #kennethbranagh #ahauntinginvenice
Neue Kritiken sind eingetroffen zum #Kino-Start von #KennethBranagh|s #HerculePoirot-Krimi #AHauntingInVenice, dem Heimvideostart von JOHN WICK: KAPITEL 4 mit #KeanuReeves und #TheIceRoad mit #LiamNeeson: @20thcentury@twitter @JohnWickMovie@twitter #JohnWick4 @LEONINEStudios@twitter
#JohnWick4 #liamneeson #theiceroad #keanureeves #ahauntinginvenice #HerculePoirot #kennethbranagh #kino
Idee für ein Trinkspiel zu #HerculePoirot mit David Suchet: Jedes Mal ansetzen, wenn Hastings "Good Lord!" sagt. 🍻😅
But you’re in for more surprises.
Unbeknownst to you, Hercule Poirot has also set all your clocks to run precisely 3 minutes and 7 seconds behind and substituted one egg in your carton with another egg that is 15% larger than the others and brown.
Your coffee is now decaf and he has also defaced the bottom of your best rug.
#HashtagGames #flipagoodcharacterbad #HerculePoirot #therearranger
Having finally watched #murderontheorientexpress and rewatched #deathonthenile, I am so ready for #AHauntingInVenice! I really love these #kennethbranagh #HerculePoirot movies and A Haunting in Venice is hitting that horror sweet spot for me.
#murderontheorientexpress #deathonthenile #ahauntinginvenice #kennethbranagh #HerculePoirot #agathachristie #movie #movies #film #books #adaptation
A Noite das Bruxas: Detetive Poirot tenta resolver assassinato sobrenatural no trailer assustador e empolgante do longa; assista
#Trailer #TinaFey #MichelleYeoh #KennethBranagh #JamieDornan #HerculePoirot #AgathaChristie #ANoiteDasBruxas #ViNoInstagram #Livros #Filmes
#trailer #tinafey #michelleyeoh #kennethbranagh #jamiedornan #HerculePoirot #agathachristie #anoitedasbruxas #vinoinstagram #livros #filmes
"Passionnée d'archéologie, Agatha Christie s'est inspirée des fouilles auxquelles elle a participé inspirant ses romans policiers. L'exposition "En quête d'archéologie" dévoile des textes, photographies et films réalisés par la romancière."
#exposition #littérature #Antiquité #GeeksAnciens #AgathaChristie #archéologie #Maésopotamie #ProcheOrientAncien #RomanPolicier #HerculePoirot #FranceTV #Périgueux
#exposition #litterature #antiquite #geeksanciens #agathachristie #archeologie #maesopotamie #procheorientancien #romanpolicier #HerculePoirot #francetv #perigueux
"Everyone is a murderer, all it needs is a good reason and a bad day"
-- Inside Man, S01E02
This reminds me of this famous quote from P
"Everyone is a potential murderer-in everyone there arises from time to time the wish to kill-though not the will to kill."
-- Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot
#quote #moviequotes #InsideMan #HerculePoirot
I enjoyed #LucyWorsley's three-part series, #AgathaChristie Mystery Queen, on ABC iView. I watched it with my wife, a keen Agatha fan who received Worsley's book, Agatha Christie - A Very Elusive Woman (#HodderAndStoughton 2022), for Xmas. So she provided me with further background on some of the events raised by Worsley.
Afterwards, we watched #KennethBranagh's recent #HerculePoirot re-interpretations, Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile, covered by Worsley in her series (with spoiler warnings). Again, I was grateful to my wife for having these Agathas in her bookcase (Fontana 1961 and 1984 editions) to fill in the bits I missed in the storyline.
And now, I look forward to reading these three books. But, erm, have I mentioned my to-be-read pile? :undefined::undefined:
#lucyworsley #agathachristie #hodderandstoughton #kennethbranagh #HerculePoirot
18.08: Building a Mystery #TheoryandTechnique #PoliceProcedural #AgathaChristie #BookshelfGenre #SherlockHolmes #HerculePoirot #Sub-genre #Season18 #Mystery #Noir
#theoryandtechnique #PoliceProcedural #agathachristie #bookshelfgenre #sherlockholmes #HerculePoirot #sub #season18 #mystery #noir
Un film e più al giorno 571.
The ABC Murders (Agatha Christie - La serie infernale, 2018) di Alex Gabassi.
#unfilmalgiorno #theabcmurders #laserieinfernale #alexgabassi #johnmalkovich #herculepoirot #agathachristie #giallo #thriller #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes
#unfilmalgiorno #theabcmurders #laserieinfernale #alexgabassi #johnmalkovich #HerculePoirot #AgathaChristie #giallo #thriller #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes
Richard Armitage reading "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" at
Richard Armitage reading "The Murder on the Links" at
#AgathaChristie #Poirot #HerculePoirot #murder #mystery #murdermystery #audiobook #audiobooks
#agathachristie #Poirot #HerculePoirot #murder #Mystery #MurderMystery #Audiobook #audiobooks
12. Januar 1976: #HeuteVor 𝟒𝟕 Jahren verstarb in Wallingford 🏴 die britische Schriftstellerin Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, im Alter von 85 Jahren an einem Schlaganfall. Als #AgathaChristie wurde sie weltberühmt, mit über 2 Milliarden verkauften Büchern gehört sie zu den erfolgreichsten Autor*innen aller Zeiten :plume:
#HerculePoirot #MissMarple
#heutevor #agathachristie #HerculePoirot #missmarple
Hercule Poirot's second novel-length case, and the first mention of his little gray cells. Seemed very much a contrast to #SherlockHolmes 3 of 5⭐
This #HerculePoirot #mystery novel was published 100 years ago in March. #century
Full #bookreview
#sherlockholmes #HerculePoirot #mystery #century #bookreview
Binge watching #HerculePoirot, and I absolutely cannot believe how normal it was back then to write stories where every single person had 2 or 3 servants doing everything for them.
It creeps me out that some people today still have housekeepers and nannies tbh. And honestly even getting a personal driver thru uber/lyft feels kind of weird when I do it.
@totmac I like #AgathaChristie. One of my favourite #Poirot stories is The Chocolate Box. #HerculePoirot
#agathachristie #Poirot #HerculePoirot
"Sometimes, I feel sure he is as mad as a hatter; and then, just as he is at his maddest, I find there is method in his madness.”
- Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles 🎄
#AgathaChristie #HerculePoirot #TheMysteriousAffairAtStyles #ClassicDetectiveFiction #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#agathachristie #HerculePoirot #themysteriousaffairatstyles #classicdetectivefiction #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
"Sometimes, I feel sure he is as mad as a hatter; and then, just as he is at his maddest, I find there is method in his madness.”
- Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles 🎄
#AgathaChristie #HerculePoirot #TheMysteriousAffairAtStyles #ClassicDetectiveFiction #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#agathachristie #HerculePoirot #themysteriousaffairatstyles #classicdetectivefiction #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
Pieni balettistudio Releve tänään Joensuun teatterin lavalla: Murha balettiakatemiasassa
Loistava käsikirjoitus ja ohjaus Hanna Renvall 👏
"Yllättäviä käänteitä, huumoria ja jännitystä, taidokkaita tansseja"
Ilo olla mukana ❤️
#agathachristie #herculepoirot #ballet #adultballet #aikuisbaletti #havingfun
#havingfun #aikuisbaletti #adultballet #ballet #HerculePoirot #agathachristie