what an #entertainer! what a life!… there’re #songs i didn’t know about which were apparently ahead of their time, and deep. and there’re those that have always moved me, like #thegrassisblue. then there’re the #classics which will always be, classics. love those stories around them. just finished watching #dollyparton #hereiam directed by #franciswhately #film #movie #documentary #music #countrymusic #homecinema #heimkino https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81204624
#Heimkino #homecinema #countrymusic #music #documentary #movie #film #franciswhately #HereIAM #DollyParton #classics #thegrassisblue #songs #entertainer
what an #entertainer! what a life!… there’re #songs i didn’t know about which were apparently ahead of their time, and deep. and there’re those that have always moved me, like #thegrassisblue. then there’re the #classics which will always be, classics. love those stories around them. just finished watching #dollyparton #hereiam directed by #franciswhately #film #movie #documentary #music #countrymusic #homecinema #heimkino https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81204624
#Heimkino #homecinema #countrymusic #music #documentary #movie #film #franciswhately #HereIAM #DollyParton #classics #thegrassisblue #songs #entertainer
My husband upgraded my PC and we almost have everything up and running. Good to be back. My phone is nearly a pretty brick, so this is very important to have up and going. I have missed you and look forward to many scriptures and meme-ing you soon. 😎 ☕ Cheers!