Also wenn eine meiner #schallplatten den #feierabend einleiten kann, dann ist #TimeOut von #DaveBrubeck.
Alle anderen Platten höre ich irgendwie passend zur Laune, diese mach einfache die entsprechende Laune.
#schallplatten #feierabend #TimeOut #DaveBrubeck #vinyl #vinyllove #Thorens #audiophil #HiFi
My new most effective method for laundry folding motivation is that I can do it in my office, blasting angry screamy growly sounds out of my new HiFi system. 😍🔊🔊🎼💀#laundry #Sisyphus #metalhead #metalmusic #HiFi #music
#laundry #sisyphus #metalhead #metalmusic #HiFi #music
Tidal adopts FLAC, forks MQA…again | Darko.Audio - Good news! #Hifi
Splurged on a DAP - modern Walkman basically - to try to prise my music listening away from my phone, having fun with it so far (it is an #AstellnKern SR35). #hifi
#vinyl #recordcollector #HiFi Vinyl question. Wanted to add more nuance to the poll but hit character limit. Which would you prefer for listening purposes (and why…with variables):
A) An original 70s - 80s pressing that has been loved
B) A new 180 gram audiophile pressing
Is there anyway for #Apple to recognize third-party #AirPlay devices in the #AppleHome app when those devices don’t specifically support #Homekit? Maybe some #homeassistant trick?
Specifically I have a #Denon receiver in one room and #JukeAudio device that supports multiple rooms. I want to map those into Rooms in the Home app and ideally get Now Playing information there too.
#Apple #airplay #AppleHome #HomeKit #homeassistant #denon #jukeaudio #smarthome #HiFi
It’s true what they say .. “ .. all work and no play, makes Ken a dull boy .. “. #HiFi
"MQA: Audiospezialist geht ins Insolvenzverfahren"
Auch das ist wohl eine gute Nachricht. Das ganze #MQA-Konzept erscheint mir technisch äußerst fragwürdig.
#audiophiles #headphones #music #hifi
Needing advice for a set of good quality wired over ear headphones to use whilst I am playing #theremin
Appreciate the help.
#audiophiles #headphones #music #HiFi #theremin
Shush... and enjoy the music: how listening bars have hit the right note | Music | The Guardian - I would love to visit this in either Tokyo or London! 😊👍🏻 #HiFi #Music
Tidal CEO says hi-res lossless is coming, raising doubts about MQA
- Great! #hifi #music
"Leeco" (-:
It has an "LM" logo and "made in hongkong" on the back.
I didn't buy it, so that's all I have.
@Archie8 Not only plastic, but fewer transistors too.
And either my one remaining battery is flat, or the radio doesn't work.
Im nächsten Leben sollte ich auch überteuerte #HiFi-Kabel an #Klang-#Esoteriker verkaufen. Bis dahin fällt mir bestimmt auch eine schlüssige Begründung ein, wieso ein #Musik-#Streaming-Datenstrom im Internet um die halbe Welt laufen kann, ausgerechnet der letzte Meter aber für den Klang entscheidend ist.
"QED Reference Ethernet Cable: HiFi-Ehernetkabel ab 200 Euro"
#HiFi #klang #esoteriker #musik #Streaming