The misery of hidradenitis suppurativa and the importance of raising awareness
It's surprising that more people aren't aware of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) when it's such a debilitating disease. HS is characterized by painful nodules or abscesses that can resemble boils.
Christopher Sayed is a dermatologist.
Listen here:
#HidradenitisSuppurativa #Awareness #SilentSuffering #SkinConditions #RaiseAwareness #PatientCare #MedStudent #MedSchool
#HidradenitisSuppurativa #awareness #silentsuffering #skinconditions #raiseawareness #patientcare #medstudent #medschool
Unlocking the secrets of hidradenitis suppurativa: a journey to help underserved patients
As medical professionals, we all entered this field with the goal of helping patients. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, we encounter patients who struggle with conditions that seem impossible to manage.
Christopher Sayed is a dermatologist.
Listen here:
Talking about #HidradenitisSuppurativa on
#HidradenitisSuppurativa #hcsm #SOME #publichealth
Do you have lumps and bumps under the arms, groin and bum that come & go?
Do they look like these pics?
If so, please seek medical help.
#HidradenitisSuppurativa #Hidradenitis hidradenitis #PublicHealth #Australia #NewZealand #HumanRights #Dermatology
#HidradenitisSuppurativa #Hidradenitis #publichealth #australia #NewZealand #humanrights #dermatology #MichelleYeoh