@Mbrignall To help people find your post, you'll need to hashtag critical terms #Paxlovid #HighRisk etc. Mastodon does not have full-text search of toots by design. Also, use what is called "camel case" - capitalize each word - evidently it helps screen readers.
Birdapp refugee looking for fellow accounts on the topic of but not limited to: #ClimateChange #COVIDisAirborne #Antifascist #Antifa #HighRisk #Masks #LongCovid #cPTSD #Neurodivergent #Ebola #ReproductiveRights #SexworkerInclusiveFeminism #SexWorkAdvocacy #DecrimSexWork #Privacy #Cybersecurity #Leftism #HarmReduction #Collapse #FreePress #Surveillance #MentalHealth #NAFO #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climateChangeNews #Infosec #FirearmsEducation #SelfReliance #PrepperTips #Preppertalk
#climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #AntiFascist #antifa #HighRisk #masks #LongCovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #SexWorkAdvocacy #DecrimSexWork #privacy #CyberSecurity #leftism #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #nafo #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climatechangenews #infosec #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
Birdapp refugee still figuring things out but looking for fellow accounts on the topic of but not limited to: #climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #antifascist #antifa #highrisk #masks #longcovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #cybersecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #NAFO #COVID19 #feminism #lableaktheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk
#climatechange #COVIDisAirborne #AntiFascist #antifa #HighRisk #masks #LongCovid #cptsd #neurodivergent #ebola #reproductiverights #sexworkerinclusivefeminism #privacy #CyberSecurity #leftisim #harmreduction #collapse #freepress #surveillance #mentalhealth #nafo #COVID19 #Feminism #LabLeakTheory #climatechangenews #HighRiskCOVID #firearmseducation #selfreliance #preppertips #preppertalk